Experto Independiente. En caso de que las Partes o los miembros del Grupo Directivo no lleguen a un acuerdo respecto de sus diferencias en materias técnicas, de seguridad, salud y protección ambiental, operacionales o relacionadas con cuestiones de contabilidad, impuestos y cálculo de pagos exigibles conforme al Contrato, las Partes podrán acordar solicitar la opinión o sujetarse a las decisiones de un experto independiente (el “Experto Independiente”). La Parte que desee someter una cuestión a la opinión o decisión del Experto Independiente propondrá a la otra Parte tres candidatos de la lista definida por las Partes durante los primeros tres (3) meses posteriores a la Fecha Efectiva, para que, de aceptar el procedimiento, elija de entre ellos al Experto Independiente dentro de un plazo de veinte (20) días. Cada Parte pagará sus propios costos en relación con este procedimiento y los honorarios del Experto Independiente deberán ser cubiertos por PEP y el Contratista en partes iguales. Dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a que se haya designado al Experto Independiente conforme a lo previsto en esta Cláusula 24.3, cada Parte proporcionará a éste la información que posea en relación con el asunto en controversia. El Experto Independiente podrá convenir una o más reuniones, con una o ambas Partes, para establecer los puntos específicos en controversia y podrá requerir la información complementaria que resulte necesaria. El Experto Independiente deberá emitir su opinión o decisión dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a la conclusión del procedimiento, el cual no podrá exceder de noventa (90) días desde su fecha de inicio, a menos que las Partes acuerden lo contrario. Las Partes deberán, ocasionalmente, actualizar la lista a que se refiere esta cláusula, para asegurarse de que en todo momento haya un número suficiente de expertos calificados en cada categoría de controversias cubierta por esta Cláusula 24.3, en la inteligencia de que ninguna Parte podrá nominar un experto que sea Compañía Relacionada o que de alguna forma esté afiliado con dicha Parte.
Independent expert. Where parties or members of the Steering Group does not reach an agreement about their differences in technical matters of safety, health and environmental, operational or related to issues of accounting, tax, and calculation of payments required under the contract, the parties may agree to request the opinion or abide by the decisions of an independent expert (the "independent expert"). The part that you want to submit a question to the opinion or decision of the independent expert will propose to the other party three candidates from the list defined by the parties during the first three (3) months after the effective date, so accept the procedure, choose from among them to the independent expert within a period of twenty (20) days. Each party will pay its own costs in connection with this proceeding and the fees of the independent expert should be covered by PEP and contractor in equal parts. Within thirty (30) days following that has been appointed to the independent expert in accordance with the provisions of this clause 24.3, each Party shall provide this information which possess in relation to the matter in dispute. The independent expert will agree one or more meetings, with one or both parties, to establish the specific points in controversy and may require the additional information that is necessary. The independent expert shall issue its opinion or decision within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the procedure, which may not exceed ninety (90) days from your start date, unless the parties agree otherwise. Parties must occasionally update the list referred to in this clause, to ensure that at all times there is one sufficient number of qualified experts in each category of disputes covered by this clause 24.3, on the understanding that no party can nominate an expert who is company related or somehow affiliated with that party.

Independent Expert. Should the parties or members of the Steering Group did not reach agreement on their differences in technical, safety, health and environmental, operational or related to accounting issues, taxes and calculation of payments due protection under the Contract the Parties may agree to request the opinion or subject to the decisions of an independent expert (the "independent expert"). The party wishing to submit a question to the opinion or decision of the Independent Expert will propose to the other Party three candidates from the list defined by the Parties during the first three (3) days after the Effective Date months, so, to accept the procedure choose from among them the Independent Expert within twenty (20) days. Each Party shall pay its own costs in relation to this procedure and the fees of the Independent Expert should be covered by PEP and the Contractor equally. Within thirty (30) days has been appointed the Independent Expert as provided in this Clause 24.3, each Party shall provide the information it holds in relation to the matter in dispute. The Independent Expert may arrange one or more meetings, with one or both parties to establish the specific points in dispute and may require additional information necessary. The Independent Expert should give its opinion or decision within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the procedure, which may not exceed ninety (90) days from the date of commencement, unless the parties agree otherwise. Parties should occasionally update the list referred to in this clause, to ensure that at all times a sufficient number of qualified in each category of disputes covered by this Clause 24.3 on the understanding of experts that no party may nominate an expert who is related company or that somehow is affiliated with the Party.

The Independent Expert. In the event that the parties or the steering group members failed to reach an agreement on their differences in Technical Matters, Health, Safety and Environmental Protection, and Operational issues related to Accounting, Tax Calculation and Payment Due under the contract, the Parties may agree to apply the views or submit to decisions an independent expert ("Independent Expert"). The Party wishing to submit a question to the opinion or decision of the independent expert to propose to the other party Three candidates on the list defined by the Parties during the first three (3) months after the effective date, to accept the procedure, choose among them, The Independent Expert within Twenty (20) days. Each party shall bear its own costs in relation to this procedure and fees of the independent expert should be covered by Pep and the contractor in Equal Parts. Within thirty (30) days following the independent expert has been appointed as provided in this clause 24.3, each Party shall provide this information holds in relation to the matter in dispute. The Independent Expert may agree on one or more meetings with the Parties, to establish the specific points in dispute and may require additional information which may be necessary. The Independent Expert shall issue its opinion or decision within thirty (30) days following the conclusion of the procedure, which may not exceed 90 days from the date of Commencement, unless the parties agree otherwise. The Parties shall, from time to time, to update the list referred to in this clause, to ensure that at all times there is a sufficient number of qualified experts in each category of Disputes covered by this clause 24.3, on the understanding that any party may nominate an expert who is a related company or somehow affiliated with that Part.