[11/25 23:22] 秘鲁覆膜机客户: Coordina con tu jefe y me haces llegar tus respuestas [11/25 23:23] 秘鲁覆膜机客户: Es importante para las máquinas que te voy a comprar el logo y color de nuestra empresa
[11 / 25 23:22] 秘鲁覆膜机客户: coordinates with your boss and I do get your answers[11/25 23:23] 秘鲁覆膜机客户: is important for machines that I'm going to buy the logo and color of our company
[11/25 23:22]秘鲁覆膜机客户: Coordinates with your boss and make me get your answers [11/25 23:23]秘鲁覆膜机客户is important for machines that'll buy the logo and color of our company
[11] 23 / 25: 22 秘鲁覆膜机客户: coordinates with your boss and I do Get Your answers[11 / 25: 23: 23] 秘鲁覆膜机客户 is important for machines that I'm gonna buy you the logo and color of our company