Si como resultado de la ejecución de los Servicios, se identifican oportunidades comerciales que beneficien a ambas Partes, como por ejemplo producción de bióxido de carbono (CO2), tratamiento de agua residual, aprovechamiento de gases de emisión, entre otros, las Partes acordarán los términos y condiciones correspondientes. Tales acuerdos serán consistentes con los términos del Contrato.
Whether as a result of the execution of services, identify business opportunities that benefit both sides, as for example the production of carbon dioxide (CO2), waste water treatment, use of gas emission, among others, the Parties shall agree on the terms and conditions. Such agreements shall be consistent with the terms of the contract.

If as a result of the execution of the services, business opportunities that benefit both parties, such as production of carbon dioxide (CO2), waste water treatment, utilization gas emissions, among others, identify the parties agree on the terms and conditions. Such agreements shall be consistent with the terms of the Contract.

If as a result of the execution of the Services, identify business opportunities that benefit both Parties, such as production of carbon dioxide (CO2), Waste Water Treatment, use of gas emission, among others, the Parties shall agree on the appropriate terms and conditions. Such agreements shall be consistent with the terms of the contract.