En caso de que ocurran cambios en las obligaciones fiscales de PEP que pudieran incrementar el valor de z, de conformidad con la
Cláusula 26.2, se modificaría este numeral 2.
q = Hidrocarburos Netos expresados en barriles de crudo equivalente. Para efectos del pago, el Crudo y Condensados se medirán en Barriles y el Gas se medirá empleando la equivalencia calculada de conformidad con el numeral 8 de este Anexo 3.
q1 = la producción incremental del periodo correspondiente, expresada en barriles de crudo equivalente; en el evento de que los Hidrocarburos
Netos (q) sean menores que el volumen de producción base indicado
en el Anexo 4, entonces, para ese periodo, se considerará que q1 es
igual a cero (0).
la producción base del periodo correspondiente, estipulada en el Anexo
Should occur changes in the obligations tax of PEP that could increase the value of z, of conformity with theClause 26.2, this paragraph 2 would be changed. where:q = NET hydrocarbons expressed in barrels of crude equivalent. For purposes of payment, crude oil and condensate will be measured in barrels and Gas will be measured using equivalent calculated in accordance with paragraph 8 of this annex 3. Q1 = the incremental production of the period, expressed in barrels of oil equivalent; in the event that hydrocarbons NET (q) are lower than the indicated volume of production base in the annex 4, then, for that period, it shall be deemed that q1 isequal to zero (0).Q2 = the production base of the relevant period, stipulated in the annex

If changes occur in the tax liability of PEP that could increase the value of z, in accordance with
Clause 26.2, we amend this paragraph 2. where: q = Net hydrocarbons expressed in barrels of oil equivalent. For purposes of payment, Crude Oil and Condensate will be measured in barrels and gas is measured using the calculated equivalence in accordance with paragraph 8 of this Annex 3. q1 = incremental production of the corresponding period, expressed in barrels of oil equivalent; in the event that the Hydrocarbons Net (q) are lower than the production volume basis indicated in Annex 4, then, for that period, shall be deemed to q1 is zero (0). q2 = production base period corresponding requirements of Annex

In case of changes in the tax obligations of Pep that could increase the value of Z, in accordance with theThis clause 26.2, amend paragraph 2.Where:Q = net hydrocarbons expressed in barrels of Oil equivalent. For payment purposes, the crude and condensate are measured in Barrels and Gas were measured by using the Equivalence calculated in accordance with paragraph 8 of this Annex 3.Q1 = incremental production of the corresponding period, expressed in barrels of Oil equivalent; in the event that the hydrocarbonsNET (q) are lower than the indicated volume of production baseIn Annex 4, then for this period, it is considered that Q1 isZero (0).Q2=The production base of the corresponding period stipulated in Annex