Hello Sr.
Espero todo este muy bien.
Estuve revisando la cotización.
Hay varios puntos a considerar:
1. El fenpiroxymathe deve ser en envases de 350cc.
La dosis en 250 cc x tanque talvez no sea efectiva.
2. En envase se la cipermetrina y lambdachialotrina devemos revisarlos, tus envases llegaron deramandose nuevamente. Deves corregir eso.
Te enviare fotos de los envases que no derraman.
3. Te enviare fotos, como quisiera en empaque del acid giberelic a ver si puede hacerlo de esta forma. ?
Debemos revisar los precios del prodicole, fluazifop, acid giberelic, diuron, methaldeido. Clethodim, esos precios están muy altos. Están muy elevados.
Hello Mr. I hope all this very well. I was checking the price. There are several points to consider:1. the fenpiroxymathe shall be in containers of 350cc.The dose in 250 cc x tank may not be effective. 2. in the container is cypermethrin and lambdachialotrina must review them, your containers became deramandose again. Deves correct that. You send photos of them containers that do not shed. 3 you send you photos, as I would like in packaging of giberelic acid to see if you can do it this way. ? We must revise the prices of the prodicole, fluazifop, giberelic, diuron, methaldeido acid. Clethodim, those prices are too high. Are very high.

Mr. Hello
. I hope all this very well
was reviewing the price.
There are several points to consider:
1. The fenpiroxymathe deve be in containers of 350cc.
The dose x 250 cc tank might not be effective.
2. Cypermethrin in container and review them lambdachialotrina devemos, your reusable packaging deramandose again. Deves correct that.
I'll send photos of packaging that do not shed.
3. I'll send photos, as I would in packaging giberelic acid to see if you can do it this way. ?
We need to review prices prodicole, fluazifop, acid giberelic, diuron, methaldeido. Clethodim, those prices are too high. They are very high.