DatingThe End of the 12th centuryGothic archaic. Cathedral of Zamora, Tarragona, Lerida, Avila, Siguenza and basin.1252 - 1284Reign of Alfonso X The Wise. Cantigas de Santa Maria. In the School of tratuctores Toledo is tratucen Spanish and Latin, Classical Works and authors, Muslims and Jews.13th CenturyClassic Gothic. Cathedrals of Toledo, Burgos and Leon1300The General lleida¨ ¨estudi Foundation1340Alfonso 6 defeats the marinids in the Battle of salado, controls the Strait of Gibraltar and prevents New Invasions of African Peoples.1348"Black Plague Epidemic," precipitating factor of the Crisis of the fourteenth Century.Mark XIVGothic catalan.1469Marriage of Isabella of Castile - Leon with Fernando of Aragon, Catalonia and Dynastic Union of both Kingdoms.15th centurySchools tardogóticas Flamboyant Gothic altarpieces, Pictorial, and monumental Tombs1472The first book printed in Segovia.