El Contratista podrá manejar Hidrocarburos producidos fuera del Área Contractual, sujeto a aprobación de PEP y a disponibilidad en la capacidad de manejo y medición por parte del Contratista. El Contratista deberá someter el manejo de producción exterior a los procedimientos de programación y aprobación establecidos en el Contrato.
Durante el Periodo de Desarrollo, las Partes acordarán los términos para el manejo, por parte del Contratista, de la producción exterior. El acuerdo considerará los costos del manejo de los volúmenes esperados, así como la insfraestructura que, en su caso, se requiera. En todos los casos, el acuerdo entre las Partes buscará ser neutral respecto al objeto del Contrato; es decir, los términos acordados (actividades, costos, inversiones, periodos de recuperación de inversiones, rentabilidad, entre otros) buscarán no crear incentivos al Contratista para que se enfoque fundamentalmente al manejo de la producción exterior ni crear incentivos a no manejar tal producción.
The contractor may handle hydrocarbons produced out of the Area Contractual, subject to approval of PEP and to availability in the capacity of management and measurement from the contractor. The contractor shall submit the management of production foreign to them procedures of programming and approval established in the contract.During the period of development, them parties agreed the terms for the management, from the contractor, of the production outside. He agreement shall be deemed them costs of the management of them volumes expected, as well as the infrastructure that, in his case, is required. In all cases, the agreement between the parties will seek to be neutral with respect to the object of the contract; i.e., the agreed terms (activities, costs, investment, recovery periods of investment, profitability, among others) will seek to not create incentives to the contractor for focuses mainly to the management of foreign production or creating incentives to not handle such production.

The Contractor may handle Hydrocarbons produced outside the Contract Area, subject to approval and availability of PEP in handling capacity and measurement by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit handling outside programming procedures and approval of the Contract. Production
During the development period, the Parties agree on the terms for handling, by the Contractor, of foreign production. The arrangement shall management costs of the expected volumes and the insfraestructura which, if any, is required. In all cases, the agreement between the parties will seek to be neutral on the subject of the Contract; ie the terms agreed (activities, costs, investments, payback periods of investment, profitability, etc.) not seek to create incentives for the contractor to be fundamentally approach to the management of foreign production or create incentives not handle such production.

The Contractor May handle produced hydrocarbons out of the contract area, subject to the approval and availability of pep in the capacity of Management and Measurement by the contractor. The Contractor shall submit the management of production outside the programming procedures and approval specified in the contract.During the Development period, the Parties shall agree on the terms for the use by the contractor of Foreign Production. The Agreement shall be deemed the cost of handling the volumes expected, as well as the infrastructure which is required. In all cases, the Agreement between the parties will be neutral on the subject of the contract; i.e., the terms (activities, Cost Recovery periods, Investments, Investments, Profitability, etc.) will not create incentives for the contractor to focus primarily on the production and Management of External incentives to create do not handle such production.