Para los efectos señalados en el párrafo anterior, el Contratista deberá, a solicitud de PEP, ampliar la vigencia de las Garantías a fin de avalar las obligaciones que deba cumplir con posterioridad a la terminación del Contrato.
En caso de que el Contratista no comparezca al finiquito, PEP procederá a realizarlo de manera unilateral y, en su caso, consignará el pago ante la autoridad jurisdiccional que corresponda.
Las Partes también suscribirán un finiquito, en los términos de esta Cláusula 21.9, por terminación del Contrato, por el vencimiento natural de plazo o por la extinción de los efectos en términos de las Cláusulas 3.3, 6.2, 6.8, 7.1 y 8.3.
For the purposes indicated in the preceding paragraph, contractor shall, at the request of PEP, extend the validity of the guarantees in order to endorse the obligations required to be met subsequent to the termination of the contract.In the event that the contractor fails to appear at the settlement, PEP will proceed to do so unilaterally and, where appropriate, record the payment before the judicial authority that corresponds. The parties will also sign a settlement, the terms of this clause 21.9, by termination of the contract, the natural expiration of term or the extinction of the effects in terms of clauses 3.3, 6.2, 6.8, 7.1 and 8.3.

For the purposes stated in the preceding paragraph, the Contractor shall, at the request of PEP, extend the validity of the guarantees to endorse the obligations to be met after the termination of the Agreement. If the Contractor does not appear to finiquito, PEP will proceed to do it unilaterally, if necessary, entered the payment to the judicial authority concerned. the Parties also sign a release form, under the terms of this Section 21.9, for termination, by the natural maturity of term or extinction of the effects in terms of Clauses 3.3, 6.2, 6.8, 7.1 and 8.3.