Lavar antes del primer uso. Se recomienda lavar a mano.No utilice limpiadores abrasivos durante la limpieza. No sobre caliente la sartén. Utilice utensilios de nylon o madera al cocinar.No apto para el uso en horno
Wash before the first use. Hand washing is recommended. <br>Do not use abrasive cleaners when cleaning. <br>Do not overheat the pan. Use nylon or wood utensils to cooking. <br>Not suitable for use in oven
Wash before first use. Hand washing is recommended.<br>Do not use abrasive cleaners during cleaning. <br> Don't overheat the pan. Use nylon or wood utensils when cooking.<br>Not suitable for oven use
Clean before first use. Do you find this comment useful?<br>Do not use worn detergent when cleaning<br>Don't iron the pot. Cook with nylon or wood.<br>Not for oven use<br>