[11] 23 / 25: 52 秘鲁覆膜机客户: Yes, its quality is good, why hesitate to sell as[11 / 25: 23: 53] 秘鲁覆膜机客户 in advance and then came the team cancelled[54] 11 / 23: 25 秘鲁覆膜机客户: it seems to me that the quality of their machines are not good[54] 11 / 23: 25 秘鲁覆膜机客户: why you paid full[54] 11 / 23: 25 秘鲁覆膜机客户: I Don't think we can do business[11] 23 / 25: 55: I doubt 秘鲁覆膜机客户