00:00:15,52 --> 00:00:19,52
00:02:22,00 --> 00:02:23,81
Sí, se?or, ?qué puedo hacer por usted?
00:02:23,89 --> 00:02:25,40
00:02:25,60 --> 00:02:27,98
Cabrán unos diez. Mire el agua y el aceite.
00:02:27,98 --> 00:02:31,57
Sí, se?or. Bonito día, ?verdad?
00:02:32,60 --> 00:02:34,40
Ahora no hay mucho tráfico.
00:02:38,20 --> 00:02:40,20
Supongo que es un poco pronto.
00:02:42,54 --> 00:02:44,33
Eso es Sierra Nevada.
00:02:45,17 --> 00:02:46,83
Ahí está el monte Whitney,...
00:02:46,83 --> 00:02:49,09
...el más alto de EEUU,...
00:02:49,09 --> 00:02:53,13
...4.250 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
00:02:53,72 --> 00:02:56,55
?Qué le parece?
00:02:57,18 --> 00:02:59,89
Son unas monta?as impresionantes.
00:03:01,56 --> 00:03:03,64
Seguro que usted es de la ciudad, Chicago.
00:03:08,52 --> 00:03:11,61
Tiene que disculparme. Hablo sin parar.
00:03:11,61 --> 00:03:15,70
Aquí estoy muy solo y cuando para un cliente...
00:03:18,03 --> 00:03:20,53
Supongo que hablo demasiado.
00:03:21,12 --> 00:03:23,91
?Solo? Lo entiendo.
00:03:24,71 --> 00:03:27,71
No sabía que hubiera lugares con tanto espacio abierto.
00:03:28,79 --> 00:03:30,84
Es como si no hubiera estado nunca habitado.
00:03:38,05 --> 00:03:40,72
- Hemos llegado. - Enseguida estoy con usted.
00:03:43,85 --> 00:03:46,44
Quiero estrecharle la mano.
00:03:46,44 --> 00:03:49,19
Se me ha ido el coche cuando ha saltado esa liebre,...
00:03:49,19 --> 00:03:52,52
- ...pero usted nos salvó el pellejo. - Y el mío también.
00:03:52,57 --> 00:03:54,74
- ?Viene de lejos? - De Ohio.
00:03:54,74 --> 00:03:56,53
- ?Y usted? - Illinois.
00:03:56,53 --> 00:04:00,49
Es un honor conocerle. Sabe cómo llevar un coche.
00:04:00,49 --> 00:04:02,16
A mi no se me da muy bien.
00:04:02,16 --> 00:04:04,79
Velma, mi nieta, es una buena conductora,...
00:04:04,79 --> 00:04:07,21
...pero se cansa y no la dejo conducir mucho.
00:04:07,92 --> 00:04:10,13
?Puedo preguntarle su nombre?
00:04:12,00 --> 00:04:15,42
- Collins. Roy Collins. - Yo soy Goodhuey.
00:04:15,42 --> 00:04:18,93
Velma, mamá, os presento al Sr. Collins.
00:04:18,93 --> 00:04:20,55
- Es un placer. - Hola.
00:04:20,60 --> 00:04:22,26
?Cómo está?
00:04:23,68 --> 00:04:26,60
- Encantado de conocerle. - Son 3'80, se?or.
00:04:29,52 --> 00:04:32,52
- Tengo que irme. - ?Va lejos?
00:04:34,40 --> 00:04:37,82
- A la monta?a. Por mi salud. - Me parecía un poco pálido.
00:04:38,36 --> 00:04:40,57
Nosotros vamos a Los ángeles, si Dios quiere.
00:04:40,57 --> 00:04:42,95
He perdido la granja, y la madre de Velma...
00:04:42,95 --> 00:04:45,49
...se volvió a casar y nos invitó.
00:04:45,87 --> 00:04:48,33
Su cambio, se?or. Gracias.
00:04:50,71 --> 00:04:52,54
Espero que lleguen bien.
00:04:52,54 --> 00:04:55,25
- Adiós. - Espero que lo pase bien...
00:04:55,25 --> 00:04:56,92
...en las monta?as.
00:05:05,68 --> 00:05:07,77
Un tipo extra?o.
00:05:10,40 --> 00:05:11,73
00:05:11,77 --> 00:05:13,61
00:05:13,61 --> 00:05:16,23
00:05:16,23 --> 00:05:18,32
00:05:26,08 --> 00:05:27,50
Apaga eso.
00:05:36,67 --> 00:05:38,46
Métete en el cuarto y no salgas hasta que se vaya.
00:05:38,46 --> 00:05:40,42
Pero quiero verle, Jack.
00:05:40,42 --> 00:05:42,59
Está bien, está bien.
00:05:50,48 --> 00:05:53,10
Hola, Earle. Pasa. Llegas tarde.
00:05:53,10 --> 00:05:55,06
Llevo horas esperando.
00:05:55,36 --> 00:05:58,69
Yo esperé 8 a?os. ?Dónde está Big Mac?
00:05:58,86 --> 00:06:01,20
En Los ángeles. Ocupado.
00:06:01,24 --> 00:06:04,41
?Después de hacer 3.000 Km, no viene a recibirme como dijo?
00:06:04,41 --> 00:06:06,62
Te mandó el coche y dinero para el viaje, ?no?
00:06:06,66 --> 00:06:09,25
?De qué te quejas? Yo me ocupo de sus cosas.
00:06:09,29 --> 00:06:12,42
?Sí? ?Quién eres?
00:06:12,42 --> 00:06:14,38
Krammer, Jack Krammer.
00:06:15,00 --> 00:06:16,80
- Poli. - Antes. Lo dejé.
00:06:16,80 --> 00:06:19,05
- Seguro. - Big Mac confía en mi,...
00:06:19,05 --> 00:06:20,72
- ...?por qué te preocupas? - ?Desde cuándo...
00:06:20,72 --> 00:06:22,13
... trabaja Bic Mac con ex-polis?
00:06:22,13 --> 00:06:23,68
Te he dicho que no salieras.
00:06:23,68 --> 00:06:26,05
Creía que me había dejado el monedero.
00:06:27,06 --> 00:06:28,56
Ya veo que no.
00:06:30,35 --> 00:06:32,81
Tus instrucciones y más pasta.
00:06:32,81 --> 00:06:35,15
Cuanto antes llegues al campamento de Sam, mejor.
00:06:41,24 --> 00:06:42,53
?Cuál es el plan?
00:06:42,53 --> 00:06:45,45
?Has oído hablar de Trópico? Es un lugar turístico.
00:06:45,45 --> 00:06:47,91
Lo llaman el pueblo más rico del mundo.
00:06:47,91 --> 00:06:50,16
El hotel es una pas
100:00:15, 52 - > 00:00:19, 52I'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF TIMES200: 02:22, 00 - > 00:02:23, 81, Is? or,? what can I do for you?300: 02:23, 89 - > 00:02:25, 40Fill it.400: 02:25, 60 - > 00:02:27, 98About ten will fit. Look at the water and oil.500: 02:27, 98 - > 00:02:31, 57Yes, you? or. Nice day,? really?600:02:32, 60 - > 00:02:34, 40Now there is too much traffic.700: 02:38, 20 - > 00:02:40, 20I guess it is a little early.800: 02:42, 54 - > 00:02:44, 33This is Sierra Nevada.900: 02:45, 17 - > 00:02:46, 83There's the mount Whitney...1000: 02:46, 83 - > 00:02:49, 09.. .the highest of USA,...1100: 02:49, 09 - > 00:02:53, 13... 4,250 meters above the sea level.1200: 02:53, 72 - > 00:02:56, 55? What do you think?1300: 02:57, 18 - > 00:02:59, 89Are a few riding? as impressive.1400: 03:01, 56 - > 00:03:03, 64Sure that you are in the city, Chicago.1500: 03:08, 52 - > 00:03:11, 61You have to excuse me. I speak without stopping.1600: 03:11, 61 - > 00:03:15, 70Here I am very lonely and when for a client...1700: 03:18, 03 - > 00:03:20, 53I guess I'm too.1800: 03:21, 12 - > 00:03:23, 91? Just? I understand this.1900: 03:24, 71 - > 00:03:27, 71I didn't know that there were places with so much open space.2000: 03:28, 79 - > 00:03:30, 84It is as if it had not been never inhabited.2100: 03:38, 05 - > 00:03:40, 72-We have reached. -Then I'm with you.2200: 03:43, 85 - > 00:03:46, 44I want to shake her hand.2300: 03:46, 44 - > 00:03:49, 19The car has gone me when it has jumped the Hare...2400: 03:49, 19 - > 00:03:52, 52-.. .but you saved us the skin. - And mine also.2500: 03:52, 57 - > 00:03:54, 74- ? Coming from far away? -From Ohio.2600: 03:54, 74 - > 00:03:56, 53- ? And you? -Illinois.2700: 03:56, 53 - > 00:04:00, 49It is an honor to know him. He knows how to bring a car.2800: 04:00, 49--> 00:04:02, 16I do not give me very well.2900:04:02, 16--> 00:04:04, 79Velma, my granddaughter, is a good host...3000: 04:04, 79 - > 00:04:07, 21.. .but get tired and not the left lead much.3100: 04:07, 92 - > 00:04:10, 13? Can I ask you your name?3200: 04:12, 00 - > 00:04:15, 42-Collins. Roy Collins. -I am Goodhuey.3300: 04:15, 42 - > 00:04:18, 93Velma, mama, I present to you Mr Collins.3400: 04:18, 93 - > 00:04:20, 55-It is a pleasure. -Hello.3500: 04:20, 60 - > 00:04:22, 26? How are you?3600: 04:23, 68 - > 00:04:26, 60-Nice to meet you. -They are 3'80, is? or.3700: 04:29, 52 - > 00:04:32, 52-I have to go. - ? Are you going away?3800: 04:34, 40 - > 00:04:37, 82-To riding? a. For my health. -Me seemed a little pale.3900: 04:38, 36 - > 00:04:40, 57We are going to the angels, God willing.4000: 04:40, 57 - > 00:04:42, 95I have lost the farm, and the mother of Velma...4100: 04:42, 95 - > 00:04:45, 49.. .are remarried and invited us.4200: 04:45, 87 - > 00:04:48, 33Your change, you? or. Thank you.4300: 04:50, 71 - > 00:04:52, 54I hope they get well.4400: 04:52, 54 - > 00:04:55, 25-Goodbye. -I hope that you have a good...4500: 04:55, 25 - > 00:04:56, 92.. .in the mountains? as.4600: 05:05, 68 - > 00:05:07, 77An extra type? or.4700: 05:10, 40 - > 00:05:11, 73FAMOUS VILLAIN...4800: 05:11, 77 - > 00:05:13, 61... FORMER number 1 in the lists of the FBI...4900: 05:13, 61 - > 00:05:16, 23... Do PARDONED after 8? OS.5000: 05:16, 23 - > 00:05:18, 32ROY EARLE, FREE5100: 05:26, 08 - > 00:05:27, 50Turn off that.5200: 05:36, 67 - > 00:05:38, 46Get into the room and not come out until you leave.5300: 05:38, 46 - > 00:05:40, 42But I want to see you, Jack.5400: 05:40, 42 - > 00:05:42, 59Okay, it's okay.5500: 05:50, 48 - > 00:05:53, 10Hello, Earle. Come in. You're late.5600: 05:53, 10 - > 00:05:55, 06I've been waiting for hours.5700:05:55, 36 - > 00:05:58, 69Do I waited 8 to? you. ? Where is Big Mac?5800: 05:58, 86--> 00:06:01, 20In Los angeles. Busy.5900: 06:01, 24 - > 00:06:04, 41? After 3000 Km, not coming to meet me as you said?6000: 06:04, 41--> 00:06:06, 62Sent you money for the trip, and the car? not?6100: 06:06, 66 - > 00:06:09, 25? What do you complain? I I deal with things.6200: 06:09, 29 - > 00:06:12, 42? Yes? Who are you?6300: 06:12, 42 - > 00:06:14, 38Krammer, Jack Krammer.6400: 06:15, 00 - > 00:06:16, 80-Poly. -Before. I left it.6500: 06:16, 80--> 00:06:19, 05-Insurance. -Big Mac relies on my...6600: 06:19, 05 - > 00:06:20, 72- ...? Why worry you? - ? Since when...6700:06:20, 72 - > 00:06:22, 13... working Bic Mac with ex-polis?6800: 06:22, 13 - > 00:06:23, 68You've said that you not out.6900: 06:23, 68 - > 00:06:26, 05He believed he had left the wallet.7000: 06:27, 06 - > 00:06:28, 56I see that does not.7100:06:30, 35 - > 00:06:32, 81Your instructions and more pasta.7200: 06:32, 81 - > 00:06:35, 15Soon you reach the camp of Sam, better.7300: 06:41, 24 - > 00:06:42, 53? What is the plan?7400: 06:42, 53 - > 00:06:45, 45? Have you ever heard of tropic? It is a tourist place.7500: 06:45, 45 - > 00:06:47, 91They call it the world's richest people.7600: 06:47, 91 - > 00:06:50, 16The hotel is a pas

100: 00: 15.52 - > 00:00: 19.52I died a thousand times.200 PM 22.00 -- > 00: 02: 29,88Yes, it is. Or,? What can I do for you?300 PM: 23,75 -- > 00: 02: 25.40Fill it up.400 PM: 25.60 -- > 00: 02: 27.98About ten. Check the water and Oil.502: 00: 00: 27.98 - > 02: 30,36Yes, it is. Or. Nice Day? Right?600 PM: -32.60 -- > 00: 01: 34.40Now there"s not much traffic.702: 00: 00: 38.20 - > 02: 40,20I guess it"s a little early.800 PM: 42,54 -- > 00: 01: 64,32That"s Sierra Nevada.900 PM: 45,17 -- > 00: 12: 46,83There"s Mount Whitney,...1000 PM: 46,83 -- > 00: 01: 49.09The highest us...1100 PM: 49.09 -- > 00: 01: 53,13... 4250 metres above sea level.1200 PM: 53.72 -- > 00: 01: 56,55? What do you think?1300 PM: 57,18 -- > 00: 02: 59.89Some mounts? As impressive.1400: 03: 01,56 -- > 00: 03: 03,64Sure you is the City, Chicago.1500: 03: 08,52 -- > 00: 03: 11.61Sorry about that. Talking without stop.1600: 03: 11.61 -- > 00: 03: 20,00Here I am very alone and when to a customer...1703: 00: 00: 03 - > 18.03: 20,53Guess I talked too much.1803: 00: 00: 03 - > 21.12: 49,00? Only? I understand.1903: 00: 00: 03 - > 24.71: 27.71I didn"t know there were places with much open space.2003: 00: 00: 03 32,78 - > 26,07:It was as if it had never been inhabited.2103: 00: 00: 03 - > 38.05 40,72:- We"ve arrived. - be right with you.2203: 00: 00: 03 43.85 - >: 46,44I want to shake your hand.2300: 03: 46,44 -- > 00: 03: 51.41I lost the car when he jumped the Hare...2400: 03: 51.41 -- > 00: 03: 52.61- but you Saved My Neck. - and mine too.2503: 00: 00: 03 - > 48.14 54.74-? Come far? - Ohio.2600: 03 54.74 -- > 00: 03: 56.53-? And you? - Illinois.2703: 00: 00: 04 56.53 - >: 00,49It"s an honor to meet you. Do you know how to drive.2800: 04: 00,49 -- > 00: 04: 02,16I"m very good.2900: 04: 02,16 -- > 00: 04: 04,79Velma"s my granddaughter, is a good conductor.3000: 04: 04,79 -- > 00: 04: 07,21But tired and don"t Let Her Drive.3100: 04: 07,92 -- > 00: 04: 10,13? May I ask your name?3200: 04: 12.00 -- > 00: 04: 15- Collins. Roy Collins. - i"m goodhuey.3300: 04: 15.42 -- > 00: 04: 18,93Velma, Mom, this is Mr. Collins.3400: 04: 18,93 -- > 00: 04: 20.55- IT"s a pleasure. - Hi.3500: 04: 20,60 -- > 00: 04: 22,26? How are you?3600: 04: 23.68 -- > 00: 04: 26,60- nice to meet you. - 3 "80,? Or.3700: 04: 29,52 -- > 00: 04: 32,52- I gotta go. -? Going far?3800: 04: 34.40 -- > 00: 04: 37.82- The Mountain? A. For My Health. - I looked a bit pale.3900: 04: 38,36 -- > 00: 04: 40,57We"re going to angels, god willing.4000: 04: 40,57 -- > 00: 04: 42.95I"ve lost the Farm, and Velma"s Mother...4100: 04: 42.95 -- > 00: 04: 45,49She remarried and invited us.4200: 04: 45.87 -- > 00: 04: 51.47Your change,? Or. Thank you.4300: 04: 50,71 -- > 00: 04: 79,97I hope he gets it right.4400: 04: 52,54 -- > 00: 04: 55,25- bye. - have a good...4500: 04: 55,25 -- > 00: 04: 56,92In the mountains? Ace.4600 PM: 05,68 -- > 00: 08: 07,77An extra Guy? Or.47Day 05: 00: 00: 01: - > 11.73Famous Bandit...4800 PM: 11.77 -- > 00: 05: 11,98Former Number 1 in the lists of the FBI4905: 00: 00: 13,61 - > 05: 16.23...indultado after 8 to? You.5000 PM: 16.23 -- > 00: 05: 34,90Roy Earle, free5105: 00: 00: 26.08 - > 05: 27.50Turn that off.5200 PM: 36,67 -- > 00: 08: 38.46Get in the room and stay there until you go.5300 PM: 38.46 -- > 00: 08: 40,42But I want to see you, Jack.5400 PM: 40,42 -- > 00: 08: 42,59Okay, okay.5505: 00: 00: 50.48 - > 05: PaintingsHello, Earle. Happens. You"re late.5600 PM: 53,10 -- > 00: 05: 55,06I"ve been waiting for hours.5700 PM: 55,36 -- > 00: 08: 58,69I waited 8? You. Where"s Big Mac?5800: 01: 06: 58.86 -- > 00: 01,20The Angels. Busy.5901,24 06: 00: 00: 01: - > 04,41? After 3000 miles do not come to me as you said?6004,41 06: 00: 00: 01: - > 06,62Sent you the car and the money for the trip? No?6106,66 06: 00: 00: 01: - > 09.25? Why are you complaining? I take care of your things.6209,29 06: 00: 00: 01: - > 12.42? Yeah? Who are you?6300: 01: 06: 12.42 -- > 00: 14.38Jack Kramer, Kramer.6406: 00: 00: 15.00 - > 06: 16.80- COP. - before. I left him.6506: 00: 00: 19,65 - > 06: 19.05- Sure. - Big Mac, trust me...6606: 00: 00: 19.05 - > 06: 17,18-... Why do you care? -? Since when...6706: 00: 00: 17,18 - > 06: 22.13... BIC Mac works with ex Cops?6800 PM: 22.13 -- > 00: 08: 23.68I told you not to come out.6900: 01: 06: 23.68 -- > 00: 26.05I thought that I had left my purse.7000 PM: 36.00 -- > 00: 08: 28,56I guess not.7106: 00: 00: 30.35 - > 06: 32,81Your instructions and more money.7206: 00: 00: 32,81 - > 06: 35.15As soon as you arrive at the camp of Sam, the better.7306: 00: 00: 41,24 - > 06: 42.53? What"s the plan?7400 PM: 42.53 -- > 00: 08: 45.45? Have you heard of Tropic? It is a tourist Place.7500: 01: 06: 45.45 -- > 00: 47,91They call it the richest people in the World.7600: 01: 06: 47,91 -- > 00: 50.16The hotel is a pas