DecorStone, es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización de piedras decorativas: Mármol, Cuarzo, Granito, Laja Arequipeña, Terrazo entre otros, ya sean en materia prima o como producto acabado.
El trabajo realizado esta acompañado por un servicio postventa que asegura al cliente el respaldo ante cualquier inconveniente en el desarrollo de la operación.
Contamos con una planta de corte industrial y corte manual en donde se almacenan todos nuestros productos.
El Show Room de la empresa se encuentra en Surco. Este ambiente esta equipado con los mas finos acabados para la exhibición de nuestros productos terminados.
DecorStone, está conformada por un grupo humano profesional, proactivo y orientado al logro de objetivos corporativos que van de la mano de sus objetivos personales. Cada uno de ellos ocupan cargos estratégicos con el fin de colocar a nuestra compañía como líder en el mercado.
DecorStone, is a company dedicated to the marketing of decorative stone: marble, quartz, granite, flagstone Arequipeña, terrazzo among others, whether raw material or finished product. The work is accompanied by an after-sales service that ensures customer support before any inconvenience in the development of the operation. We have a plant for industrial cutting and manual cutting in which are stored all of our products. Show Room of the company is located in Surco. This room is equipped with the most fine finishes for the display of our finished products. DecorStone, consists of a group of people professional, proactive and oriented to the achievement of corporate objectives ranging from the hand of their personal goals. Each of them occupy strategic positions in order to position our company as a leader in the market.

Decorstone is a company dedicated to the marketing of decorative Stones, Marble, Quartz, Granite, terrazzo Laja arequipe, among others, whether raw materials or finished product. The work is accompanied by an after-sales service that ensures the customer support for any problem in the development of the operation.We have a plant of Industrial Cutting and cutting manual where all our products are stored.
the show room of the company is located in groove. This room is equipped with the finest finishings for the Exhibition of our finished products. Decorstone
, is formed by a group of ProfessionalProactive and goal oriented Corporate go hand in hand with their personal goals. Each of them Occupy Strategic positions in order to position our company as a leader in the market.