Adiferencia de la versión clásica de la carta apuñalada,
en esta ocasión, lo que se
clava con el cuchillo es la baraja
de cartas, cortando así exactamente por el punto donde se halla
la carta elegida. Imagina por
ejemplo estar realizando una rutina de aparición de ases, y el último de ellos se resiste. No sucede
nada, porque coges el cuchillo que
tenías “casualmente” en la mesa,
y apuñalas la baraja, cortando
exactamente por el cuarto As.
Unlike the classical version of the stabbed Charter,on this occasion, what isnails with a knife is the deckcards, thus cutting exactly at the point where it isthe selected card. Imagine byexample be doing a routine appearance of ACEs, and the last one is resisting. It does not happennothing, because you take the knife toyou had "coincidentally" at the table,and apuñalas the deck, cuttingexactly by the fourth ACE.

Adiferencia the classic version of the letter stabbed,
on this occasion, which
stabs with the knife is the deck
of cards, cutting exactly is the point where
the chosen card. Imagine for
example be performing a routine appearance of aces, and the last of them resists. It does not happen
anything, because you take the knife he
had "accidentally" on the table,
and stab the deck, cutting
exactly the fourth ace.

Unlike the classic version of the letter stabbed,On this occasion, ITStick with the Knife is the deckCARDS, Cutting exactly at the point where it isThe Selected Card. ImagineExample making a routine occurrence of aces, and the latter resists. Not happeningNothing, because you take the knifeYou were on the table, "Coincidentally"The deck and Stabbing, cuttingExactly why the Fourth Ace.