Kanon atravesó los dos primeros Templos con sigilo, procurando ocultar的英文翻譯

Kanon atravesó los dos primeros Tem

Kanon atravesó los dos primeros Templos con sigilo, procurando ocultar entre sus cabellos la gran bolsa marrón que cargaba entre sus brazos. Sabía que actuaba de un modo sumamente infantil, mas no podía evitar sentir vergüenza por lucir como un mandadero. No que hubiese algo malo en serlo, simplemente era que le desagradaba el fuerte contraste de su alto rango con el tener cargar bolsitas desde Rhodorio hasta su Templo.

¡Si hubiese tenido la fuerza de voluntad suficiente para rechazar los regalos de los aldeanos! Un par de duraznos por aquí, algunas ciruelas por allá; todos con la promesa de ser la fruta más dulce que hubiese probado en toda su vida. Incluso había recibido tres granadas tan rojas y grandes que parecía que en cualquier momento explotarían en una lluvia de joyitas rojas.

No sabía —ni le interesaba saber— los motivos por los cuales recibía aquellos regalos. Si bien era sabido que los Santos Dorados eran los visitantes favoritos del pueblo, pocos eran considerados lo suficientemente accesibles como para ofrecerles tan sencillas ofrendas. Saga, con su reputación casi intacta incluso después de la revuelta, era uno de los afortunados y Kanon no estaba seguro de si la afabilidad de los aldeanos se debía a la confianza que les ofrecía su famoso rostro o simplemente porque lo confundían con Saga. De cualquier forma el resultado era el mismo y de cuando en cuando regresaba a casa con más comida de la que pudieran comer él y su hermano.

Kanon exhaló aliviado al divisar el portal de su Templo y justo cuando creyó que lograría ocultarle al mundo su hogareña apariencia, el Santo de Escorpio apareció frente a él. Supuso que soltar la bolsa y echarse a correr en sentido opuesto sería aún más bochornoso, por lo que se armó de valor para demostrarle que no había nada de malo en que un Santo de Oro cargara consigo una bolsa de compras.

—Alguien fue al mercado —declaró Milo con una descarada sonrisa burlona—. No deberías ir de compras con tu Armadura, Kanon. Merece que la portes con más dignidad que eso.

—No hay nada de indigno en procurar los alimentos del hogar, Escorpio —respondió con tanta seguridad que casi se creyó sus propias palabras—. Además, fui al pueblo por un asunto oficial. Terminé así porque no puedo rechazar los regalos que me ofrecen tan amablemente.

Milo frunció levemente el ceño al reconocer el desafío en sus palabras.

—Disculpa; como no soy tan popular no me suelen colmar de regalos —Kanon recibió una desdeñosa mirada que en instantes se tornó infantil y alegre—. ¿Esas son granadas?

Sorprendido por el repentino cambio, Kanon sólo atinó a asentir.

—¿Quién te las regaló?— preguntó acercándose hacia la bolsa de papel por cuyo borde se asomaban las rojizas frutas.

—Un chico del mercado.

Milo no pareció escucharle. Prefirió sujetar una de las granadas, cubriéndola con las yemas de los dedos para sentir su lisa y fresca superficie. Fue tanto su interés y tan claro su disfrute que a Kanon le pareció que degustaba la fruta con sólo tocarla.
Entonces, por segunda y fugaz ocasión, el gesto de Milo cambió. Reparó apenas en la respuesta del otro y recordó que estaba en medio de una provocación. Recobró entonces su jactancioso semblante.

—Debes gustarle mucho a ese muchacho. Es casi imposible conseguir buenas granadas fuera de temporada.

El mayor no ocultó su sonrisa, feliz de que Milo terminara por picar el anzuelo. Siempre disfrutaba aquellos pequeños triunfos en los que despertaba los celos del otro. No que fuese un logro difícil de alcanzar, por cierto. El Santo de Escorpio era sumamente posesivo y odiaba aquellos momentos en los que le recordaban que quizá no fuese el centro del universo. Fuese su apegado amigo Camus o un compañero que apenas comenzaba a conocer, el orgullo de Milo le cegaba y le hacía creer que tenía derechos sobre todas las personas.

Aun así, Kanon debía admitirlo, Milo era bastante bueno para disimular su molestia. Si el gemelo era capaz de identificarla con tanta facilidad era únicamente por las largas y atentas horas de contemplación que le había dedicado con anterioridad.

Decidiendo otorgarle una tregua temporal, Kanon intentó tornar su atención en alguien más.

—No lo sé. Quizá quien le guste sea mi hermano —la imagen mental le sacó una burlona risilla—. De cualquier forma se le agradece la intención.

Aunque Milo abrió la boca, contuvo al momento lo que pretendía decir. Se conformó con fruncir el ceño mientras dejaba escapar un largo suspiro y regresaba su interés a las frutas.

—¿Cuántas te regaló? —obvió sus deseos de recibir una de las granadas.

—Tres. Quería que me trajera más, pero le dije que éstas serían más que suficientes —ante la respuesta, Milo colocó de nuevo la fruta en su lugar—. Puedes quedártelas si quieres.

—Fueron un regalo.

—Y yo te las regalo a ti.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Kanon spanned the first two temples with stealth, trying to hide among their hair big brown bag carrying in her arms. I knew that it acted in a very infantile way, but you could not avoid feeling shame for look like a tea-boy. That would have something wrong in being so, simply wasn't that he disliked the strong contrast of his high rank with having load bags from Rhodorio to his temple.If it would have enough willpower to reject gifts of the villagers! A pair of peaches here, some plums there; all with the promise of being sweeter fruit had tried in his life. He had even received three as red and large shells that looked like that at any time they exploit in a rain of Red jewels.I did not know - or interested to know - the reasons for which they received those gifts. Although it was known that the gold Saints were favorite visitors to the town, few were considered visible enough to provide them with such simple offerings. Saga, with his reputation intact even after the revolt, was one of the lucky ones and Kanon was not sure if the affability of the villagers was due to confidence that offered his famous face or simply because they mistook Saga. Either way the result was the same and when returning home with more food than could eat him and his brother.Kanon breathed relieved to see the portal of the temple, and just when he thought that he would hide his homely appearance to the world, the Scorpio Saint appeared in front of him. It meant that release the bag and go to run in the opposite direction would be even more embarrassing, so be steeled to show you that there is nothing wrong with a gold Saint to load with a shopping bag.-Someone went to market - said Milo with a blatant mocking smile-. You should not go shopping with your armor, Kanon. It deserves that you portes with more dignity than that.-There's nothing unworthy in procure food from home, Scorpio - responded with so much security that almost believed their own words. In addition, I went to the village by an official matter. So I ended up because I can not reject the gifts that you offer me so kindly.Milo scowled slightly to recognize the challenge in his words.-Apology; as I am not so popular don't me fill with gifts - Kanon received a contemptuous look which became children and cheerful moments. Are those grenades?Surprised by the sudden change, Kanon only managed to nod.-Who gave you them? - asked approaching towards the paper bag along whose edge reddish fruits are up.-A boy from the market.Milo did not appear to hear him. He decided to hold one of the grenades, covering with the fingertips to feel its smooth and fresh surface. It was both their interest and clear your enjoyment that Kanon thought it tasted the fruit with just touching it.Then, for the second and fleeting time, the gesture of Milo changed. He repaired just in the response of the other and remembered that it was in the middle of a provocation. He then regained his vaunted countenance.-You should like much to that boy. It is almost impossible to get good grenades out of season.The greatest not hid her smile, happy that Milo ended by chopping the bait. I always enjoyed those small triumphs that aroused the jealousy of the other. Not that it was an achievement that is difficult to reach, by the way. The Scorpio Holy was extremely possessive and hated those moments in which reminded that perhaps it wasn't the center of the universe. It was his close friend Camus or a colleague who just started to learn, the pride of Milo blinded him and made him believe that he had rights to all persons.Even so, Kanon should admit, Milo was good enough to disguise their annoyance. If the twin was able to identify it so easily it was only for the attentive and long hours of contemplation which you previously.Deciding to give a temporary truce, Kanon attempted to turn his attention to someone else.-Don't know. My brother - who likes to perhaps the mental picture drew you a quizzical risilla. Anyway thanks you intended.Although Milo opened his mouth, it contained at the time what they intended to say. It complied with frown as he let out a long sigh and returning his interest to fruits.-How much you gave? -It bypassed their desire to receive one of the grenades.-Three. He wanted to bring me more, but I told him that they would be more than enough - given the response, Milo placed again fruit instead-. You can keep them if you want.-They were a gift.- And I gift to you.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Kanon went through the first two temples with Stealth to hide among their Hair Big Brown Bag carrying in his arms. I knew it was a very CHILDISH, but I couldn"t help but feel ashamed to look like a Gopher. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just that he disliked the strong contrast of his high rank with the bags from rhodorio have Upload to their Temple.If I had the strength of will to reject the gifts of the villagers. A couple here some Peaches, plums there; all with the promise of being the sweetest fruit were tested in all his life. He had even received Three grenades as large red seemed to operate at any time in a Rain of Red Gems.- and I didn"t know he was interested in knowing the reasons why those gifts received. While it was known that the Gold Saints were visitors favorite people, few were considered sufficiently accessible and provide simple offerings. Saga, with his reputation intact even after the revolt, was one of the lucky ones and Kanon was not sure if the affability of the villagers was the confidence the offered His Famous Face or simply confused it with saga. Either way the result is the same, and then returned home with more food than they can eat him and his brother.Kanon he relieved to see the gate of the Temple and just when you thought you could hide from the world her homely appearance, The Scorpio Saint appeared in front of him was to drop the bag and run in the opposite direction would be even more embarrassing, so got up the courage to show you that there was nothing wrong in a Holy Gold charged with a Shopping bag.- Someone was declared the market - Milo with a Cheeky Grin. Shouldn"t you go shopping with your armor, Kanon. You deserve to be with more Dignity than that.- There"s nothing unworthy in ensuring Household Food Security, Scorpio - responded with such almost believed his own words. In addition, I went to town on official business. Because I can"t refuse the gifts you offer me so kindly.Milo he frowned slightly to recognize the challenge in his words.- Sorry, I"m not so popular as Gifts - Kanon was often fill a disdainful look that instantly became Child and cheerful. These are grenades?Surprised by the sudden change, Kanon just got the NOD.- who gave them to you? - He asked approaching the Paper Bag whose Edge out the Red Fruits.- A Boy From the market.Milo didn"t seem to listen. He preferred to hold one of the grenades, Covered With Fingertips to feel fresh and smooth surface. It was so clear their interest and enjoyment that Kanon Felt He tasted the fruit with just a touch.Then the second and fleeting time, the gesture of Milo changed. Repaired just in the response of the other and recalled that it was in the middle of a provocation. He regained his countenance so boastful.- you liked that boy. It is almost impossible to get good grenades out of season.The mayor did not hide his Smile, Happy that Milo will bite. I always enjoyed those Small victories that aroused the Jealousy of the other. It was not a difficult Feat of achieving, by the way. The Saint was extremely possessive Scorpio and I hated those moments when I remembered that it might not be the center of the Universe. It was his close friend Camus or a colleague who was just beginning to learn, The Pride of Milo and Blinded him to believe he had rights over all individuals.Even so, Kanon should admit, Milo was good enough to conceal his annoyance. If the Twin was able to identify it so easily was only long and thoughtful contemplation you dedicated hours previously.Deciding to grant a temporary Truce, Kanon attempted to shift its attention on someone else.- I Don"t know. Maybe it"s My Brother who likes the mental Image pulled a Mocking Giggle. Anyway he appreciates the intention.Although Milo opened Mouth, contained at the Time What I Meant. For frowning while let out a Long sigh and went forward to the fruit.- how many you got? - not your desires to receive one of the grenades.- three. I wanted to bring me some, but I told him that they would be more than enough to Response the fruit, Milo placed them back in place. You can have them if you want.- they were a gift.- and I"ll present it to you.
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