stimados:Along with greeting, I contact them to ask for your help, visit, or comments, regarding an issue that is being repeated with model toilet seat lids Mallorca Eco Dual Flush, installed in apartments. of the building Latadia 4343, Las Condes.As will see in the photo attached, the problem is that them seats is released of them cups, and to the treat of reset them, them bolts of anchor not tighten the joint since the rubber that retains the nut is breaks. Therefore, it is not possible to secure, not leaving another option that change them (since the fixing system is hidden inside the Cup). The departments of this building have at most two years of use, from what I understand, these elements are out of warranty.We are attentive to your comments or information (for example, if you sold that piece that is damaged, and where), and thanking the care, sincerely