Cada una de las Partes deberá cumplir durante el plazo y ejecución de los Servicios con los Impuestos que le correspondan, en el entendido de que PEP realizará las retenciones que, en todo caso, esté obligado a realizar de conformidad con las Leyes Aplicables y en ese caso, PEP no reembolsará al Contratista por las cantidades retenidas. En virtud de lo anterior, el Contratista será responsable y pagará todos los Impuestos que graven al Contratista o a sus directivos y empleados en relación con la celebración o cumplimiento de este Contrato. Queda expresamente entendido que PEP será responsable del pago de cualquier impuesto al valor agregado que aplique.
En caso de modificación o creación de Leyes Aplicables respecto a Impuestos aplicables exclusivamente a prestadores de servicios de petróleo y gas, el Contrato podrá ser modificado, por mutuo acuerdo y siempre que resulte conveniente para las Partes.
Each an of them parts must meet during the term and execution of them services with them taxes that you correspond, in the understood of that PEP held them retentions that, in all case, is forced to perform of conformity with the laws applicable and in that case, PEP not refund to the contractor by them amounts retained. By virtue of the foregoing, the contractor will be responsible for and will pay all the taxes that are levied to the contractor or their directors and employees in connection with the conclusion or fulfilment of this contract. It is expressly understood that PEP will be responsible for payment of any tax to the added value which it administers.In case of modification or creation of laws regarding taxes applicable exclusively to service providers of oil and gas, the contract may be amended, by mutual agreement and always convenient to the parties.

Each of the Parties shall meet during the period and implementation of services with corresponding taxes, on the understanding that PEP made deductions that, in any case, is obliged to perform in accordance with Applicable Law and in that case, PEP not reimburse the Contractor for the amounts withheld. Under the above, the Contractor shall be responsible and pay all taxes levied on the Contractor or its directors and employees in connection with the conclusion or performance of this Agreement. It is expressly understood that PEP is responsible for payment of any value added tax applicable.
In case of modification or creation of Applicable Laws regarding taxes applicable only to service providers , oil and gas, the Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement and whenever it is convenient for Parties.