durante los siglos 13,14 y 15 se formaron las nacionalidades hispánicas, se consolidó la burguesía como fuerza social y la Recomquista avanzó hacia el Sur, terminando con la toma de Granada por los Reyes Católicos en 1492.
during the centuries 13,14 and 15 Hispanic nationalities formed, consolidated the bourgeoisie as a social force and the Recomquista advanced toward the South, ending with the taking of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492.
during 13.14 and 15th centuries formed the Hispanic nationalities, the bourgeoisie was consolidated as a social force and Recomquista moved southwards, ending with the capture of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492.
During the Centuries 13,14 and 15 Hispanic Nationalities formed, Consolidated the Bourgeoisie as a social force and the recomquista moved towards the South, ending with the conquest of Granada by the Catholic Kings in 1492.