El Estado tiene el dominio absoluto, exclusivo, inalienable e imprescriptible de todas las minas, las covaderas, las arenas metalíferas, los salares, los depósitos de carbón e hidrocarburos y demás sustancias fósiles, con excepción de las arcillas superficiales.
The State has absolute, exclusive, inalienable and imprescriptible ownership of all mines, guano deposits, metalliferous sands, salt mines, coal and hydrocarbon deposits and other fossil substances, with the exception of surface clays.
The State has absolute, exclusive, inalienable and imprescriptible dominance of all mines, covaderas, metal sands, salt flats, deposits of coal and hydrocarbons and other fossil substances, with the exception of surface clays.
The state has absolute, exclusive, inalienable and inviolable control over all mines, reservoirs, metal sands, salt mines, coal mines, hydrocarbons and other fossil substances, with the exception of surface clays.<br>