corresponde al promedio de las cotizaciones alta y baja, primer mes, del
West Texas Sour del mes anterior al mes correspondiente al cálculo,
publicadas por Platts Crude Oil Marketwire empleando Midland como
lugar de referencia, en Dólares por Barril.
En caso de demostrarse que la cotización de referencia pierda
profundidad en los mercados, las Partes analizarán la pertinencia de
modificar la referencia y los parámetros de la fórmula, una vez que se
cuente con evidencia suficiente.
los grados API se determinan con base en información disponible o, en
su defecto, en la primera producción y empleando los estándares de la
industria. Se podrán hacer nuevas pruebas a solicitud de PEP o del
WTS : corresponds to the average of the prices high and low, first month, of the West Texas Sour in the month preceding the month corresponding to the calculation, published by Platts Crude Oil Marketwire using Midland as site of reference, in dollars per barrel. If you prove that reference quote Miss depth in the markets, the parties will discuss the relevance of modify the reference and formula parameters, once it count on sufficient evidence.oAPI = them degrees API is determined with basis on information available or, in failing that, in the first production and using the standards of the industry. It may make new tests to request of PEP or of the Contractor.

corresponds to the average of the high prices and low, first month, the
West Texas Sour last month for the calculation month,
published by Platts Crude Oil Marketwire using Midland as a
landmark, in Dollars per Barrel. If demonstrated the reference price lose depth in the markets, Parties will examine the relevance of changing the reference and parameters of the formula, once it has sufficient evidence. oAPI = degrees API are determined based on available information or, in the absence thereof, in the first production and using standards industry. They may retesting at the request of PEP or the Contractor.

WTS:Corresponds to the average of the High and low prices, in the first month,West Texas sour in the month preceding the month corresponding to the calculation.Published by Platts crude oil Marketwire using Midland asReference Place, in dollars per Barrel.If demonstrated that the reference value losesDepth in the markets, the parties will discuss the relevance ofThe reference and modify the parameters of the formula, once youCount with enough evidence.OAPI=The API degrees are determined based on available information, orFailing that, the first production and using the standards of theIndustry. May be new evidence or the application of WBSContractor.