cualquiera de las declaraciones del Contratista o de las Empresas Participantes hechas en la fecha de firma del Contrato demuestra ser fraudulenta en cualquier aspecto;
o) cualquiera de las Empresas Participantes o Compañías Relacionadas incumple con las obligaciones relativas a la cesión, separación, disminución de participación o sufre un cambio de control, o la Compañía Líder se separa de sus actividades, sin el consentimiento de PEP, en contravención a lo previsto en la Cláusula 22; o
p) el Contratista, o cualquiera de las Empresas Participantes o Compañías Relacionadas es responsable de negligencia inexcusable que resulte en detrimento significativo a PEP, o de dolo en la ejecución de los Servicios, o no asume sus obligaciones de indemnización en términos de la Cláusula 23.
any of them statements of the contractor or of the companies participating made in the date of signature of the contract shows be fraudulent in any aspect;(o) any of the subscribing companies or related companies fail to comply with the obligations concerning the transfer, separation, decrease in participation or undergoes a change of control, or the leader company separates from its activities, without the consent of PEP, in contravention to the provisions of clause 22; o(p) the contractor, or any of them companies participating or companies related is responsible of negligence inexcusable that is in detriment significant to PEP, or of dolo in the execution of the services, or not assumes their obligations of compensation in terms of the clause 23.

any statements of the Contractor or the Participating Companies made on the date of signing the Contract proves to be fraudulent in any respect; o) any of the subscribers companies or companies related breaches the obligations relating to the transfer, separation, decreased participation or undergoes a change of control, or the Company Leader separates from its activities in violation without the consent of PEP, as provided in Clause 22; or p) the Contractor or any of the subscribers companies or related companies are responsible for inexcusable negligence resulting in significant detriment to PEP, or fraud in the performance of the Services, or assumes its indemnification obligations in terms of Clause 2. 3.