General modifications. Any modification to this Agreement shall be by agreement in writing by both parties and shall take effect from the date indicated in the agreement itself. Any waiver of any provision of the contract made by any of the parties must have the agreement in writing by the other party and shall take effect from the date indicated in the agreement itself.PEP to a programme of work, or its modification approval, does not imply the approval of a Development Plan or the corresponding budget modification. PEP to a budget, or its modification approval, does not imply the adoption of a modification to the Development Plan or the corresponding work programme. Approval by PEP to a Development Plan, or modification, does not imply the approval of an amendment to the programme of work or the corresponding budget. The modifications referred to in this paragraph will be carried out in accordance with provisions in the contract, and all must be expressly approved in writing, to be valid.Modifications to extend the deadline will require agreement to amend in accordance with applicable laws.The modifications that are made to the contract in terms of this clause, do not imply a novation of the obligations of the parties.