Transición a PEP. En caso de la terminación del Contrato por cualquier razón, el Contratista cesará todos los Servicios, excepto aquellos que sean necesarios para el Abandono, para preservar y proteger las instalaciones relacionadas con los Servicios ya en proceso o terminados, o para proteger los Materiales que se encuentren dentro del Área Contractual o en tránsito hacia la misma. El Contratista deberá entregar a PEP el Área Contractual, así como todos los Materiales utilizados en los Servicios. Las Partes llevarán a cabo la transición del Área Contractual, del Contratista a PEP, la cual tendrá una duración de un (1) mes. Durante la transición, las Partes llevarán a cabo las actividades que consideren necesarias para que PEP asuma la responsabilidad de las actividades y tome control de las instalaciones en el área. Las Partes levantarán un acta en la que se señalen las incidencias relacionadas con la transición a PEP.
Transition to PEP. In the event of termination of the contract for any reason, the contractor shall cease all services, except those that are necessary for the abandonment, to preserve and protect the facilities related to the services already in process or completed, or to protect materials that are within the Contractual Area or en route to it. The contractor shall deliver to PEP the contract Area, as well as all materials used in the services. The parties carry out the transition of the contract, the contractor to PEP, which will have a duration of one (1) month. During the transition, the parties carry out activities they consider necessary so that PEP takes responsibility for activities and take control of the facilities in the area. Parties raised a record that indicated the issues related to the transition to PEP.

Transition to PEP. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any reason, the Contractor shall cease all services except those required for abandonment, to preserve and protect related facilities Services already underway or completed, or to protect the Materials are within the Contract area or in transit to it. The Contractor shall deliver to PEP the Contract Area and all materials used in the Services. The Parties shall carry out the transition from the Contract Area, the Contractor to PEP, which will last one (1) month. During the transition, the Parties shall carry out activities they deem necessary for PEP assume responsibility for the activities and take control of the facilities in the area. Parties up a written report which incidents related to the transition to PEP are indicated.

Transition to PEP. In case of termination of the contract for any reason, the contractor shall cease all services except those necessary for the abandonment, to preserve and protect facilities Related Services already in process or finished, or to protect the materials within the contract area or in Transit to the same. The Contractor shall deliver to Pep The contract area, as well as all materials used in the services. The Parties shall carry out the Transition from the contract area, the contractor to PEP, which will have a duration of one (1) month. During the transition, the Parties shall carry out the activities necessary for Pep to assume the responsibility of the activities and take control of the facilities in the area. The parties will act in that they identify issues related to the transition to PEP.