sobre el que ya tienes en la mano, y pide ahora el tercer grupo (el de doce cartas), que
dejarás sobre la baraja, no sin antes mirar la carta inferior, antes de colocarlo. Para ello,
has podido pedir el grupo con el dorso de la mano hacia arriba, e inclinando un poco el
paquete en el transcurso de dejarlo sobre la baraja.
on which you have in hand, and now calls the third group (the twelve letters), whichstop on the deck, but not before looking at the lower letter, before placing it. To do this,you could ask the group with the back of your hand upward, and slightly tilting thepackage in the course of leave it on the deck.

on which you already have in hand, and ask now the third group (twelve cards), which
leave on the deck, but not before looking at the bottom card, before placing. To do this,
could you ask the group with the back of his hand up, and tilting a little
package in the course of leaving it on the deck.