cualquier daño o Perjuicio causado por el Contratista por alteración nociva a los Hidrocarburos, o cualquier daño o lesión causado a los recursos naturales y medio ambiente (incluyendo pero no limitado a, daño o destrucción de los recursos marinos, vida silvestre, recursos madereros, estuarios, arroyos, océanos, tierra o aire), o cualesquiera daños y Perjuicios, derivados del manejo de sustancias, fluidos, combustibles, lubricantes que se empleen para la prestación de los Servicios o estén en posesión o bajo control del Contratista;
any loss or damage caused by the contractor by harmful alteration to hydrocarbons, or any damage or injury caused to natural resources and environment (including but not limited to, damage to or destruction of marine resources, wildlife, timber resources, estuaries, streams, oceans, land or air), or any damages and damages resulting from handling of substances, fluids, fuels , lubricants that are used for the provision of services or are in the possession or under the control of the contractor;

any damage caused by the Contractor by harmful alteration Hydrocarbons, or any damage or injury caused to natural and environmental resources (including but not limited to, damage or destruction of marine resources, wildlife, timber resources, estuaries , streams, oceans, soil or air), or any damages arising from the use of substances, fluids, fuels, lubricants are used for the provision of the Services or in the possession or under the control of the Contractor;