Es una derrota que hay que asimilar. Tenemos que reflexionar mucho hacia dentro de todos los momentos de la temporada. En la liga esta derrota no nos ayuda a estar arriba", dijo Zubizarreta en Digital Plus.
It is a loss that must be assimilated. We have much to ponder in every moment of the season. Defeat in the league this does not help us to be up, "said Zubizarreta Digital Plus.
It is a defeat to assimilate We need to think much into every moment of the season This defeat in the League does not help us to be up there, "said Zubizarreta in digital plus
It is a defeat that must be assimilated. We have that much thought into every moment of the season. In the league this defeat does not help us to be up," said Zubizarreta Digital Plus.