Give them time to think, and as interrupted, looking at the viewer's right,say: "or if you like, you better, pick up the deck and take you under the table, and takes a small group of top, count it and stay with that number of letters, thus forming a"value. Once done, you are still saying, lost that group of letters between others, andleave again the cards on the table". He argues that this is a very casual wayChoose a number.Now facing the viewer's left, saying: "I know that you are thinking of Spades or"Hearts... "." When the viewer you have answered, argues: "... well, or clubs"or diamonds, because now as he is thinking of a number, you can be thinkingin any of the four suits. "."Here several things have happened. First, the viewer has understood that any of the four could be worth. But there will be understood later, when you haveanswered your question, if his stick was of Spades or hearts, which will prevent him to change, despite feeling now that any of the four clubs could value.And on the other hand, as to the start the viewer was thinking a red stickand we've asked Spades or hearts, if this has responded that Yes, it isthat you're thinking about hearts, have responded, is that you're thinkingin diamonds. Don't worry regardless of the response of the audience, since it will beobsessed, when you advertise that it could also be from clubs and diamonds.This is a nice fishing that uses ambiguity as main trap. A simple response from the Viewer, will not say anything to anyone, with the exception of the wizard, which willall the information necessary to know the stick that is thinking of the Viewer.And really, that's all done:We'll take the deck out and leave on the table the letter, chosen by both espec22scheduling. But, how do we know the value that is thinking the second Viewer? Easy:Our guide was the number twelve. To take the deck to search and leave the letteron the table, we will see which position is now the Guide, and will subtract twelve this position. Thus, if the guide is now in five position, mean that the Viewer isthinking about the number 7. So, already have the value of a viewer and the stick ofanother. We will only have to find the seven of hearts (in the exposed example), leton the table, and ask a spectator to name the value you are thinking, and to theother the bat, then turning the Charter and thus showing the miracle.Personally this method, I really like that it starts without orders from deck,with blends, with absence of letters until the end, and achieved a very good sense ofdesigned values, both the stick and the number of the Charter.