Hidrocarburos líquidos
En la llegada de los oleoductos provenientes de las Estaciones de Recolección E-41 y G-Méndez dentro de la CAB Cacalilao (externa al Área Contractual), sitio donde PEP medirá los Hidrocarburos líquidos recibidos, producidos y manejados por el Contratista.
El contratista deberá construir un cabezal común de recolección para ambas llegadas de crudo (E-41 y G-Méndez) donde deberá instalar un sistema de medición tipo Coriolis, el cual deberá incluir el arreglo de tuberías con filtro, válvulas, instrumentos, mezclador estático, analizador de porcentaje de agua, densitómetro en línea y muestreador automático. Los Hidrocarburos líquidos producidos por el Área Contractual que se entregarán a PEP por el Contratista serán sin acondicionar.
Liquid hydrocarbonsOn the arrival of the pipelines from the E-41 collection stations and G-mendez inside the CAB Cacalilao (external to the contract Area), place where PEP will measure the liquid hydrocarbons received, produced and managed by the contractor.The contractor must build a head common of collection for both arrivals of raw (E -41 and G-mendez) where should install a system of measurement type Coriolis, which must include the arrangement of pipes with filter, valves, instruments, mixer static, Analyzer of percentage of water, densitometer in line and sampler automatic. Those hydrocarbons liquids produced by the Area contract that is delivered to PEP by the contractor will be without condition.

Liquid hydrocarbons
in the arrival of oil from collection stations E - 41 and G - . Mendez inside the CAB Cacalilao (outside the Contract Area), place PEP will measure the received liquid hydrocarbons, produced and handled by the Contractor
The contractor must build a common head collection for both arrivals of crude (E - 41 and G - Mendez) where you must install a measurement system Coriolis, which shall include the arrangement of pipes with filter, valves, instruments, static mixer, water percentage analyzer, densitometer and online autosampler. Liquid hydrocarbons produced by the Contract Area to be delivered to PEP by the Contractor shall not put.

Liquid hydrocarbonsIn the arrival of Pipelines from 41 stations and Collection - and G - Mendez in the cab cacalilao (external to the contract area, where PEP) measured the liquid hydrocarbons received, produced and managed by the contractor.The Contractor shall build a common Head of collection for both arrivals of crude oil (E and G - 41 - Mendez) where you must install a Coriolis Measuring System, which should include the settlement of filter Pipes, Valves, instruments, Static Mixer, Water Content Analyzer, online Densitometer and Autosampler. The Liquid hydrocarbons produced from the contract area to be delivered by the contractor to Pep are undeveloped.