DURAPLAST, la solución que siempre estuvo buscando. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en la fabricación de chapas plásticas Duraplast® de PRFV, ofrecemos hoy el mejor producto del mercado, con la calidad que sólo puede respaldar Chapas Oroño.
DURAPLAST, the solution was always looking for.With over 30 years of experience in the manufacture of plastic sheets FRP Duraplast ®, we offer today the best product on the market, with the quality that can only support sheets Orono.
Duraplast, the solution was always looking. With over 30 years experience in the manufacture of plastic sheets Duraplast® GRP, today we offer the best product on the market, with the quality that can only support plates Orono.
Duraplast, the solution was always looking for. And with over 30 years experience in the manufacture of Plastic Plates duraplast® GRP, today we offer the Best Product in the market, with the quality that can only support plates Orono.