Pedimos al espectador que mezcle la baraja y la deje sobre la mesa. Una vez hecho, le
pedimos que corte un grupo grande o pequeño, como desee, y que mire una carta que
esté lo más al centro posible, para que esté bien perdida. Una vez hecho, lo único que
hacemos es levantar un paquete del montón que hay en la mesa, invitando al espectador
a que pierda ahí su paquete (fotografía 1).
El propio mago corta y completa la baraja, perdiendo más si cabe la carta vista por el espectador.
¿Qué ha sucedido realmente? Cuando el mago corta un montón de la baraja que se halla
sobre la mesa, invitando al espectador que deje ahí el suyo, realmente estará cortando
lo más al centro posible, lo que hará que, cuando el espectador deje ahí su montón, la
carta elegida quede controlada en el centro. De esta forma, dará igual el número de car-
tas que haya cortado el espectador, o el que quedase sobre la mesa. Al final, siempre la
carta elegida quedará en el centro.
We ask the Viewer to mix the deck and leave it on the table. Once done, youWe ask to cut a large or small group as you want, and to look at a letter thatis it more to the Center as possible, so that it is well lost. Once done, the only thingWe do is lift a package of the heap that is on the table, inviting the Viewerto lose there your package (picture 1).The own magician short and full deck, losing more if possible the letter seen by the Viewer.What has really happened? When the wizard cut a lot of the deck that ison the table, inviting the viewer that there his, you will be really cuttingit more to the Center possible, what will do that, when the spectator let there their lot, theselected card is controlled in the Center. In this way, will give equal the number of car -TAS that has cut off the Viewer, or which remain on the table. In the end, always theCharter destination will be at the Center.

We ask the spectator to shuffle the pack and leave on the table. Once done, we
ask you to cut a large or small group, as you wish, and see a letter that
is as the center possible, for it is well lost. Once done, all you
do is pick up a package from the pile on the table, inviting the viewer
to lose your package (photo 1) there.
The short and complete magician himself the deck, losing more so the card view by the viewer.
What really happened? When the young wizard a lot of the deck that is
on the table, inviting the viewer to stop there yours really be cutting
as the possible center, which will, when the viewer leave there your lot, the
chosen card remains controlled at the center. In this way, will equal the number of carbon
tas that you have cut the viewer, or that quedase on the table. In the end, always the
chosen card will be in the center.

Ask The Spectator to mix the cards and put it on the table. Once done, youWe cut a small or large group, as you wish, and to look at a letterThe Center is more possible to be lost. Once done, All thatBuild up a package of the bunch that"s on the table, inviting The SpectatorThere you lose your Package (Photo 1).The Magician himself short and complete the deck, losing even more the letter seen by the viewer.What has actually happened? When The Magician cuts a lot of the deck that isOn the table, inviting the viewer to leave there really will be yours, cuttingAs to the center as possible, which will, when the viewer stop there a lot,Card is controlled in the center. In this way, Will equal the number of carTas have severed The Spectator or left on the table. In the end, alwaysCard is in the center.