FLUIVAL S.R.L. Es una empresa especializada en temas hidráulicos, siendo este el concepto que mejor nos identifica, por nuestro personal experimentado de años atendiendo a grandes empresas como Sanitarias, Constructoras, Agua potable rural y residual, Industrial, Celulosa, para nuestro mercado nacional e Internacional.
Nuestra mision...
"Disponer de un grupo humano idóneo a nuestra área, compuesto por vendedores, administrativos y profesionales líderes de cada rubro, que en conjunto sean capaz de
entregar asesoría técnica y orientada, dirigida a una excelente calidad de servicio y atención a todos nuestros clientes y proveedores.
Dado que es una empresa principalmente de servicios y ventas, no nos olvidaremos de entregar una eficiente atención de PRE y POST venta, punto sobre el cual pondremos nuestro mayor énfasis y cuidado.
Podemos decir que cumplir con todo lo anterior expuesto, nos impulsara a tener cada día un crecimiento empresarial dirigido principalmente a nuestros clientes y proveedores, pero también a la familia FLUIVAL, que la componen sus trabajadores, profesionales y socios, logrando en conjunto un desarrollo personal, envuelto en valores de respeto, lealtad, confianza y compromiso con ustedes y con nosotros mismos".
Nuestra visión...
"Ser reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional, como una empresa comercializadora de productos, ingeniería y servicios para el sector de saneamiento, industria, minería y construcción , entregando calidad y valores perceptibles por nuestros clientes y proveedores.
Administrada con eficiencia por un equipo de profesionales de alta calidad humana y en continuo aprendizaje".
FLUIVAL S.R.L. It is a company specialized in topics hydraulic, this being the concept that better identifies us, by our experienced staff of years assisting large companies such as sanitary, builders, rural and residual, drinking water Industrial, cellulose, for our domestic market and international.Our mission..."Having a group of people to our area, composed of vendors, administrative and leading professional for each category, which together are capable of"deliver technical and oriented, advice addressed to an excellent quality of service and attention to all our customers and suppliers.Since it is a company mainly sales and service, we won't forget deliver efficient care, PRE and POST sale, point upon which we will put our emphasis and care. "We can say that comply with all of the exposed above, us push to have every day a business growth mainly directed to our customers and suppliers, but also to the FLUIVAL family, that their workers, professionals and partners, make it up making altogether a personal development, wrapped in values of respect, loyalty, trust and commitment with you and ourselves".Our vision..."To be recognized at national and international level, as a marketer of products and engineering services for the sanitation, mining, industry and construction sector, delivering quality and detectable values to our customers and suppliers.Managed effectively by a team of professionals of high human quality and in continuous learning".

Fluival S.r.l. is a company specializing in water, this being the best concept that identifies US, by our experienced staff of years in response to large companies such as health, Construction, rural drinking water and Wastewater, industrial, Cellulose, for our national and International Market.Our mission..."Having a Human Group suited to our area, composed of merchants, Administrative and Professional Leaders of each category, which together are capable ofProvide technical advice and oriented to an excellent quality of service and attention to all our customers and suppliers.Since it is a company mainly Sales and service, we will not forget to deliver an efficient Care of pre and post sales, on which we will put our main emphasis and Care.We can say that comply with all the above, we will have every day a Business Growth mainly addressed to our clients and suppliers, but also to the Family fluival, that compose its workers, professionals and Partners, together making a personal development, wrapped in the values of respect, loyalty, Trust, and commitment to you and ourselves. "Our vision."To be recognized nationally and internationally as a Marketer of products and Engineering Services for the sanitation sector, Industry, Mining and Construction, Delivering quality and values perceived by our customers and suppliers.Efficiently run by a Professional Team of high quality Human and continuous learning.