La baraja se mezcla por el propio espectador, el cual corta un paquete y se fija en una de las cartas del paquete cortado, que concluye dejando sobre la misma baraja. El mago podría estar en todo momento con los ojos cerrados o mirando hacia otro lugar. Se coge ahora la baraja, por primera vez tras la mezcla, y se abre en abanico memorizando así todas la cartas. Nunca más se va a mirar las caras de las cartas, aún así, cuando se le pide al espectador que nombre la suya, y éste lo hace, el mago comienza a pasar las cartas caras abajo sobre sus manos, descartando progresivamente las cartas sobre la mesa, hasta quedarse finalmente con una: La elegida
The shuffle is mixed by the own spectator, which short a package and is fixed in an of them letters of the package cut, that concludes leaving on the same shuffles. The wizard could be at all times with your eyes closed or looking elsewhere. Now take the deck, for the first time after mixing, and opens in range thus memorizing all the cards. It will never again look at the faces of the cards, even so, when asked the spectator to name his and this makes it, the magician begins to spend expensive letters down on your hands, gradually discarding the cards on the table, until it finally with one: the chosen

The deck by the spectator, which cuts a package and is set in one of the letters cut package, which concludes leaving on the same deck is mixed. The magician could be at all times with your eyes closed or looking elsewhere. It now takes the deck for the first time after mixing, and fans out and memorizing all the cards. Never again will look at the faces of the cards, yet when you are asked the spectator to name his, and this one does, the wizard starts spending faces down cards on his hands, gradually discarding the cards on the table, until finally stay with one: The chosen

The deck is mixed by The Spectator, which cuts a package and fixed in a pack of Cards Cut ends, leaving on the same Deck. The Wizard could be at any time with Closed Eyes or looking at another place. Now take the cards, for the first time after mixing, and fans by Memorizing all the letters. She"s Never Gonna look at the faces of the cards, and yet, when you ask the spectator to name it, and it does so, The Magician starts to pass the cards face down on their hands, gradually discarding cards on the table until she finally with the chosen: