Buen dia,La información que recibimos de los funcionarios de Burkina F的英文翻譯

Buen dia,La información que recibim

Buen dia,

La información que recibimos de los funcionarios de Burkina Faso hoy es que Lim Han no ha se comunica con nadie desde su liberación. Él ha estado ocupado en busca de dinero para comprar los billetes de avión y volar de vuelta a Londres. Su billete de retorno de aire fue dañada por los delincuentes y la información que nos llegan hoy reveló que él ya no está interesado en esta transacción. Él no está en busca de algo de dinero para saldar sus créditos en Burkina Faso y comprar billetes de avión de vuelta. Por favor, si usted se ha comunicado sobre el envío de cualquier cantidad a él, no envíe dinero para él porque lo utilizará para comprar los billetes de avión y volar de vuelta. Queremos que esté allí y finalizar antes de volver. Él es tan asustada y cree que los delincuentes lo matarán si no salir del país tan pronto como sea posible.

Esta es la información que tenemos por ahora ... Por favor, te importaría que sin la instrucción de Burkina Faso para liberar su fondo, no vamos a liberarlo.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Nice dayThe information that we receive from officials of Burkina Faso today is that Lim have not been communicates with anyone since his release. He has been busy in search of money to buy air tickets and fly back to London. Your return air ticket was damaged by offenders and information that come to us today revealed that he is no longer interested in this transaction. He is not looking for some money to pay off their loans in Burkina Faso and buy return air tickets. Please, if you has communicated on the shipment of any amount to it, do not send money for it because you will use it to buy airline tickets and fly back. We want to be there and finish before. He is so scared and believes that criminals will kill him if does not leave the country as soon as possible. This is the information we have for now... Please, I would mind you that without the instruction from Burkina Faso to release its Fund, we will not release it.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Good Day,

information received from officials of Burkina Faso today is that Lim have not been communicating with anyone since his release. He has been busy looking for money to buy Plane tickets and Fly Back to London.Return air ticket was damaged by criminals and the information that reaches us today revealed that he is not interested in this transaction. He is not looking for something of money to repay their loans in Burkina Faso and Buy Plane tickets back. Please, if you have communicated about sending any amount to him,Do not send money to him because he used to buy Plane tickets and Fly Back. We want to be there and finish before returning. He is so scared and thinks that criminals will kill him if not to leave the country as soon as possible.

this is the information we have for now... Please, would you mind without the instruction of Burkina Faso for the release of your Fund,We're not going to release it.
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