Fuentes del Ministerio de Economía señalan que hay que tener en cuenta la elevada estacionalidad del calendario de deuda, que puede arrojar puntas y caídas en el saldo deudor debido a las diferencias entre las fechas de emisiones y las de amortizaciones.
Sources of the Ministry of economy point should take into account the high seasonality of the calendar of debt, it may fling ends and fall in the balance due to the differences between the dates of emissions and depreciation.
Economy Ministry sources said they must take into account the high debt seasonal calendar, which can yield tips and falls on the outstanding balance due to differences between the dates of emissions and amortization.
Sources indicate that the Ministry of Economy, we must take into account the High seasonality of the calendar of debt, which can provide tips and falls in the balance due to differences between the dates of emissions and the depreciation.