se acumulará para ser pagada en periodos posteriores, no obstante, de permanecer alguna diferencia que no haya sido pagada a la terminación del Contrato por cualquier causa, tal diferencia se extinguirá y no será pagada al Contratista, y PEP será liberado de esta obligación o cualquier otra obligación de pago en ese momento.
Como única excepción a lo estipulado en el párrafo anterior, y siempre que todas las obligaciones del Contratista con respecto al Abandono estuvieren cumplidas y que la Cuenta de Abandono contara con recursos, tales recursos podrán ser empleados por PEP para cubrir dicha diferencia. En caso de que los recursos de la Cuenta de Abandono fueran insuficientes para cubrirla, la diferencia se extinguirá y no será pagada al Contratista, y PEP no tendrá obligación alguna de pago en ese momento.
is accumulate to be paid in periods later, however, of remain any difference that not has been paid to the termination of the contract by any cause, such difference is lapse and not will be paid to the contractor, and PEP will be released of this obligation or any other obligation of payment in that time.As exception to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and always that all obligations of the contractor with respect to the abandonment are fulfilled and that the account of abandonment had resources, such resources can be used by PEP to cover this difference. Where them resources of it has of abandonment were insufficient to cover it, the difference is lapse and not will be paid to the contractor, and PEP not will have obligation any of payment in that time.

will accumulate to be paid in subsequent periods, however, remain a difference that has not been paid to the termination of the Agreement for any reason, such a difference will be extinguished and will not be paid to the Contractor, and PEP will be released from this obligation or any other payment obligation at that time.
the only exception to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, provided that all the Contractor 's obligations with respect to the abandonment estuvieren fulfilled and that the account Abandonment count on resources, such resources can be used by PEP to cover the difference. Should resources Abandonment account were insufficient to cover the difference will be extinguished and will not be paid to the Contractor, and PEP shall have no obligation to pay at that time.

Will ACCUMULATE to be paid in subsequent periods, however, some differences remain that have not been paid at the termination of the contract for any reason, such difference will cease and will not be paid to the contractor, and Pep will be released from this obligation or any other obligation for payment at that time.Except as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, and where all the contractor"s obligations with respect to abandonment are met and that the account of abandonment will have Resources, such resources may be employed by Pep to cover the difference. If the resources of the account of abandonment were insufficient to cover the difference will cease and will not be paid to the contractor, and Pep shall have no obligation to pay at that time.