We are a company belonging to the Chilean group SIGDO KOPPERS (www.sigdokoppers.cl), producer of Films pakaging of polypropylene (BOPP) and Nylon (BOPA). At our plant in Chile we have: • Two lines producing Bopp with a production capacity of 31.500 ton/year. A guiding line Bruckner of 3 layers. A guiding line DMT of 5 layers. • Three Metalizer, two of which are plasma, with a production capacity of 9,000 tons per year. • Seven cutters brand Atlas. With a plant of biaxially oriented Nylon: • Line Bruckner, with a 3-layer extrusion technology and with a production capacity of 5,000 tons per year. It is the only line of BOPA in Latin America and one of the most modern in the world. At our plant in Argentina we have: • DMT guiding line of 5-ply with a production capacity of 37,500 tons per year. • A Metallizer with plasma, with a production capacity of 5,000 tons per year. • Four cutting brand Atlas. 50% of our production is exported to the markets of Latin America, North America, Europe and South Africa. Our operations in both countries have the most demanding market, AIB and ISO 9001:2000 certifications, which allows us to deliver to our customers, products with the highest standards of quality and safety.