Todos comparten la misma austeridad decorative y en todos ellos,allí donde fue necesario,se unificaron los espacios a fin de conseguir el maxímo de superficie útil,objetivo logrado mediante la nave única,o bien igualando la altura de las naves,Ganado así en anchura lo que se perdía en altura y,en las catedrales,situando las capillas laterals en los espacios libres entre los contrafuertes.
All share the same decorative austerity and in all of them, where necessary unified spaces in order to achieve maximum floorspace, objective achieved by the single ship, either matching the height of the ships, livestock as well in width that was lost in height, and in the cathedrals, by placing the side chapels in the free spaces between the buttresses.

All Share the same Decorative Austerity and in all of them, where necessary, Unified the spaces to achieve the surface Notches maximum useful, Objective achieved by ship only, or matching the height of livestock in the Ships, which was in width and height, The Cathedrals, placing the in the free spaces Side chapels between the Buttresses.