Molino Cañuelas es uno de los primeros productores de harina del mundo, y el primer productor y exportador de la Argentina.
Además, desde hace 12 años es elaborador y comercializador de aceite crudo, habiendo incorporado la refinación y el fraccionamiento en botellas.
También, entre sus múltiples actividades, elabora y comercializa galletitas y pastas.
La empresa inició sus actividades en 1931 y hoy se ha transformado en un grupo alimentario líder, en constante búsqueda de nuevos negocios, mercados y oportunidades.
El grupo está integrado por 6 plantas, estratégicamente ubicadas.
Cañuelas mill is one of the first producers of flour in the world, and the first producer and exporter of the Argentina. In addition, 12 years is producer and marketer of oil, having incorporated the refining and fractionation in bottles. Also, among its many activities, develops and sells cookies and pastas. The company started its activities in 1931 and today has become a leading food group, in constant search of new businesses, markets and opportunities. The group consists of 6 floors, strategically located.

Molino Ca ñ uelas is one of the first flour producers in the world, and the first producer and exporter of Argentina.
also, since 12 years ago is a manufacturer and marketer of crude oil, having incorporated the refining and fractionation in bottles.
also, among its many activities, develops and sells cookies and pastries.
The company began operations in 1931, and today has become a food group leader, in constant pursuit of new markets and business opportunities.
the Group is composed of 6 floors, strategically located.