Hi, how are you.I was reviewing your prices.Some are very high as they are:Lambda Chialotrina 2.5-125 ml need a price of 4.00 us litre. some 3,000 litres Mancozeb 40 wp need change you the formulation to 40wp to lower costs and put 6,000 kilos.de 900 gr.Methaldeido 5gr 1 kg - (blue color). Annex I will send you a photo of the color of the product.You will need about 1,000 kilos but we must put them into boxes with labels lambachilaotrina to the methaldeido, fluazifop and diazinon. Fluazifop 15ec - 250 ml price target 12.30 us per 1 litre. Clear must include diazinon we descent.We are going to bring this first then we make another container.Thank you in advance