Al terminar el Contrato por rescisión o por terminación anticipada, las Partes deberán suscribir un finiquito en el cual se harán constar los ajustes, revisiones, modificaciones y reconocimientos a que haya lugar, y los saldos a favor y en contra, así como los acuerdos, ajustes o transacciones que se pacten para finalizar las controversias que se hayan presentado durante la vigencia del mismo. Dicho finiquito deberá formalizarse dentro de un plazo de un (1) año, mismo que podrá ser prorrogado hasta por un periodo igual.
To the end the contract by termination or by termination early, them parts must sign a discharge in which is will make consist them settings, reviews, modifications and honors to has place, and them balances to please and in against, as well as them agreements, settings or transactions that is agreed for end them controversies that is have presented during the validity of the same. This settlement must be formalised within a period of one (1) year, same that may be extended for a period equal.

To terminate the Contract termination or early termination, the parties must sign a release form in which the adjustments, revisions, modifications and recognitions that may be required, and the balance in favor and against, and the agreements shall be stated, adjustments or transactions that are agreed to end disputes that have arisen during the term hereof. Such a settlement must be lodged within one (1) year, it may be extended by a period equal to.

At the end of the contract termination or early termination, the Parties shall sign a settlement which would reflect the changes, revisions, and recognition that place, and the balances for and against, as well as Agreements, adjustments or transactions that agree to End disputes have been submitted during the term of the Agreement. The Settlement shall be made within a period of one (1) Year, which may be extended for an equal period.