Kanon spanned the first two temples with stealth, trying to hide among their hair big brown bag carrying in her arms. I knew that it acted in a very infantile way, but you could not avoid feeling shame for look like a tea-boy. That would have something wrong in being so, simply wasn't that he disliked the strong contrast of his high rank with having load bags from Rhodorio to his temple.If it would have enough willpower to reject gifts of the villagers! A pair of peaches here, some plums there; all with the promise of being sweeter fruit had tried in his life. He had even received three as red and large shells that looked like that at any time they exploit in a rain of Red jewels.I did not know - or interested to know - the reasons for which they received those gifts. Although it was known that the gold Saints were favorite visitors to the town, few were considered visible enough to provide them with such simple offerings. Saga, with his reputation intact even after the revolt, was one of the lucky ones and Kanon was not sure if the affability of the villagers was due to confidence that offered his famous face or simply because they mistook Saga. Either way the result was the same and when returning home with more food than could eat him and his brother.Kanon breathed relieved to see the portal of the temple, and just when he thought that he would hide his homely appearance to the world, the Scorpio Saint appeared in front of him. It meant that release the bag and go to run in the opposite direction would be even more embarrassing, so be steeled to show you that there is nothing wrong with a gold Saint to load with a shopping bag.-Someone went to market - said Milo with a blatant mocking smile-. You should not go shopping with your armor, Kanon. It deserves that you portes with more dignity than that.-There's nothing unworthy in procure food from home, Scorpio - responded with so much security that almost believed their own words. In addition, I went to the village by an official matter. So I ended up because I can not reject the gifts that you offer me so kindly.Milo scowled slightly to recognize the challenge in his words.-Apology; as I am not so popular don't me fill with gifts - Kanon received a contemptuous look which became children and cheerful moments. Are those grenades?Surprised by the sudden change, Kanon only managed to nod.-Who gave you them? - asked approaching towards the paper bag along whose edge reddish fruits are up.-A boy from the market.Milo no pareció escucharle. Prefirió sujetar una de las granadas, cubriéndola con las yemas de los dedos para sentir su lisa y fresca superficie. Fue tanto su interés y tan claro su disfrute que a Kanon le pareció que degustaba la fruta con sólo tocarla.Entonces, por segunda y fugaz ocasión, el gesto de Milo cambió. Reparó apenas en la respuesta del otro y recordó que estaba en medio de una provocación. Recobró entonces su jactancioso semblante.—Debes gustarle mucho a ese muchacho. Es casi imposible conseguir buenas granadas fuera de temporada.El mayor no ocultó su sonrisa, feliz de que Milo terminara por picar el anzuelo. Siempre disfrutaba aquellos pequeños triunfos en los que despertaba los celos del otro. No que fuese un logro difícil de alcanzar, por cierto. El Santo de Escorpio era sumamente posesivo y odiaba aquellos momentos en los que le recordaban que quizá no fuese el centro del universo. Fuese su apegado amigo Camus o un compañero que apenas comenzaba a conocer, el orgullo de Milo le cegaba y le hacía creer que tenía derechos sobre todas las personas.Aun así, Kanon debía admitirlo, Milo era bastante bueno para disimular su molestia. Si el gemelo era capaz de identificarla con tanta facilidad era únicamente por las largas y atentas horas de contemplación que le había dedicado con anterioridad.Decidiendo otorgarle una tregua temporal, Kanon intentó tornar su atención en alguien más.—No lo sé. Quizá quien le guste sea mi hermano —la imagen mental le sacó una burlona risilla—. De cualquier forma se le agradece la intención.Aunque Milo abrió la boca, contuvo al momento lo que pretendía decir. Se conformó con fruncir el ceño mientras dejaba escapar un largo suspiro y regresaba su interés a las frutas.—¿Cuántas te regaló? —obvió sus deseos de recibir una de las granadas.—Tres. Quería que me trajera más, pero le dije que éstas serían más que suficientes —ante la respuesta, Milo colocó de nuevo la fruta en su lugar—. Puedes quedártelas si quieres.—Fueron un regalo.—Y yo te las regalo a ti.