Solicitud de reunión. El miembro del Grupo Directivo que desee solicitar alguna reunión deberá enviar su solicitud por escrito al presidente del Grupo Directivo con cuando menos quince (15) días de anticipación o, en casos urgentes, tan pronto sea posible. Dicha solicitud deberá ir acompañada de (i) una sugerencia de la fecha, hora y lugar para llevar a cabo la reunión, (ii) una agenda que indique los asuntos a ser considerados en la reunión, y (iii) la documentación requerida para que el Grupo Directivo pueda tomar una decisión informada. Una vez recibida la solicitud, el presidente del Grupo Directivo deberá programar una reunión en una fecha que no exceda de treinta (30) días después de recibida la solicitud, en el entendido de que en caso de que algún miembro del Grupo Directivo comunique al presidente del Grupo Directivo que no podrá asistir a la reunión convocada, el presidente del Grupo Directivo deberá reprogramar la reunión a la siguiente fecha disponible mutuamente aceptable para los miembros pero en ningún caso después de los diez (10) días siguientes a la fecha originalmente programada. Las Partes podrán hacer uso de cualquier medio disponible para llevar a cabo las reuniones, incluyendo videoconferencias y conferencias telefónicas. Salvo acuerdo de PEP, todas las reuniones en persona deberán llevarse a cabo en México. Si ambas Partes están de acuerdo, podrán realizarse reuniones sin cumplir con los requisitos previstos en esta Cláusula 25.5.
Meeting request. The Member of steering group that you want to apply for any meeting must send your request in writing to the Chairman of the Steering Group when less fifteen (15) days in advance or, in urgent cases, as soon as possible. Such a request shall be accompanied by (i) a suggestion of the date, time and place to carry out the meeting, (ii) a schedule indicating the issues to be considered at the meeting, and (iii) required documentation so that the Steering Group can take an informed decision. Once the application has been received, the Chairman of the Steering Group shall schedule a meeting at a date not to exceed thirty (30) days after receipt of the application, on the understanding that any member of the Steering Group to inform the Chairman of the Steering Group that cannot attend the meeting, the Chairman of the Steering Group must reschedule the meeting to the next available date mutually acceptable to the members but in no case After ten (10) days of the originally scheduled date. The parties can use any means available to carry out meetings, including videoconferencing and Conference calls. Except with the agreement of PEP, all meetings in person must carry out in Mexico. If both parties agree, meetings can be made without complying with the requirements provided for in this clause 25.5.

Meeting request. The Steering Group member who wishes to request a meeting must submit your request in writing to the Chairman of the Steering Group with at least fifteen (15) days in advance or, in urgent cases as soon as possible. The request must be accompanied by (i) a suggestion of the date, time and place to conduct the meeting, (ii) an agenda indicating the matters to be considered at the meeting, and (iii) the documentation required for the Steering Group can make an informed decision. Upon receipt of the request, the chairman of the Steering Group should schedule a meeting at a date not exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt of the request, on the understanding that if any member of the Steering Group to inform the President Steering Group who can not attend the meeting convened, the chairman of the Steering Group must reschedule the meeting to the following mutually acceptable date available to members but in no event later than ten (10) days after the originally scheduled date. Parties may use any means available to conduct meetings, including videoconferencing and conference calls. Unless otherwise agreed by PEP, all face meetings should take place in Mexico. If both parties agree, meetings may be made without complying with the requirements of this Section 25.5.

Application of meeting. The Member of the Steering Group to request a meeting Must Send a request in writing to the Chairman of the Steering Group at least fifteen (15) days in advance or, in Urgent cases, as soon as possible. This request must be accompanied by (i) a suggestion of the date, Time and place for the meeting, (ii) a Schedule indicating the matters to be considered at the meeting, and (iii) the documentation required for the Steering Group can make an informed decision. Once the application is received, the Chairman of the steering group shall schedule a meeting at a date not to exceed thirty (30) days after receipt of the request, on the understanding that in the event that a member of the Steering Group to communicate to the Chairman of the Steering Group will be unable to attend the meeting, The President the steering group should reschedule the meeting to the next Available Date mutually acceptable to the members but in any case no later than ten (10) days following the date originally scheduled. Parties may use any means available to conduct meetings, including video and Telephone conferences. Except with the Agreement of all the Pep, in person meetings should take place in Mexico. If both parties agree, may meet without complying with the requirements of this clause 25.5.