na bonita idea que va a dotar de limpieza el control de una carta. El mago mezcla baraja y la coloca en su mano izquierda para que sea el propio espectador quien corta un paquete y mira la carta inferior, devolviendo nuevamente el paquete a la baraja, con la carta en su posición. Aún así, la carta está controlada.
Durante mucho tiempo trabajé esta idea y fueron muchos los métodos a los que llegué. Quizás bastaría sólo con introducir el meñique entre ambos montones, en el momento que el espectador devuelve el montón, pero el hecho de tener que hacerlo en el momento de mayor atención, arruinaría el método. También llegué a la conclusión de doblar la esquina de la carta superior de mi montón, una vez que el espectador ha cortado, de forma que me sirviese como carta guía, una vez que el espectador devuelve su paquete. Esto último podría valer. Sin embargo, me convenció más, el hecho de puntera mi paquete mientras el espectador ve el suyo, para marcar una diferencia entre ambos paquetes y, por consiguiente, poder tener el control de la carta cuando el espectador devuelve su paquete. Esto, además de ser muy fácil, podría hacerse con la misma mano izquierda, con lo que pasaría muy desapercibido. Sin embargo, aunque lo usé durante algún tiempo, también lo descarte. Explico a continuación, la idea final a la que llegué para lograr que el espectador cortase, viese una carta y devolviese el montón, controlando la carta elegida sin sospecha alguna.
Para ello usaremos espectador de la derecha. Tras mezclar la baraja, la colocaremos en la mano izquierda en posición de dar, y nos giraremos a la derecha, ofreciendo al espectador que él mismo corte un montón, y vea la carta donde ha cortado (la inferior del montón cortado). Mientras esto sucede, lo único que haremos es obtener una separación bajo la carta superior de nuestro montón. Pero no vamos a introducir el dedo meñique, sino que vamos a hacer que la yema del dedo meñique quede pellizcada por la propia separación (fotografía 1).
De esta forma, la carta superior del montón quedará completamente recta, y desde cualquier ángulo que se aprecie el montón, no se denotará ninguna preparación. El único ángulo malo, es el que corresponde al lateral derecho de la baraja, pero el hecho de estar trabajando con el espectador de la derecha, hará que este ángulo quede cubierto, ya que nuestro cuerpo está girando a la derecha, quedando el lado de la baraja más sucio, mirando hacia una zona sin espectadores.
Una vez vista la carta, el espectador dejará su paquete nuevamente sobre la baraja, creyendo que ha perdido su carta. Realmente, ésta está sobre la carta que se halla sobre la separación. Justo cuando ha dejado el montón, el cuerpo se gira hacia la izquierda,a la vez que la mano derecha coge la baraja, manteniendo con el pulgar la separación de ambos montones. Ahora, prosiguiendo con el juego que estemos haciendo, podremos cortar la baraja, dejando la carta controlada la segunda por debajo
na beautiful idea that it will provide a letter control cleaning. The magician mix deck and places it in his left hand to make the spectator who cut a package and see the bottom card, again returning the package to the deck, with the letter in his position. Even so, the letter is controlled. For a long time I worked this idea and many were methods to those who came. Perhaps it would suffice only insert the little finger between both piles, at the moment that the viewer returns the heap, but having to do it in the time of greater attention, would ruin the method. I also came to the conclusion of folding the corner of the top of my pile card, once the viewer has cut, so I serve as Charter Guide, once the viewer returns your package. The latter could be worth. However, I convinced more, the made of leading my package while the viewer sees the yours, for mark a difference between both packages and, accordingly, to have the control of the letter when the viewer returns your package. This, besides being easy, could be done with the same left hand, with what would happen very unnoticed. However, even though I used it for some time, also discard it. Explain then, it idea end to which arrived to achieve that the spectator cut, saw a letter and returned the lot, controlling the letter chosen without suspected any.To do this we will use the right Viewer. After mixing the deck, place it in the left hand in a position to give, and we'll turn right, offering the viewer himself cut a lot, and see the chart where it has cut (the bottom of the cut pile). While this happens, the only thing we will do is obtain a separation under the top letter of our lot. But we are not going to introduce the little finger, but it let's make sure the yolk of the little finger is pinched by the own separation (photograph 1).In this way, the top card of the pile will be completely straight, and from any angle that appreciate the lot, includes no launch is no preparation. The only bad angle, is corresponding to the right side of the deck, but the fact of working with the viewer's right, will that this angle is covered, since our body is rotating to the right, leaving the dirtier side of the deck, facing a zone without spectators.Once seen the letter, the viewer will leave your package back on the deck, believing that it has lost its Charter. Really, this is on the Charter that is on clearance. Just when he left the mound, the body turns left, while the right hand takes the deck, keeping the separation of both heaps with the thumb. Now, continuing with the game that we are making, we cut the deck, leaving the letter controlled the second below

na nice idea that will provide cleaning control of a letter. The mixture magician shuffles and places it on his left hand to make the spectator who cuts a package and look at the bottom card, returning the package back to the deck, with the letter in his position. Still, the letter is controlled. For a long time I worked this idea and there were many methods that I arrived. Perhaps it suffices only enter the pinky between the two piles, when the viewer returns the lot, but the fact of having to do so when more attention, ruin the method. I also came to the conclusion around the corner from the top card of my pile, once the viewer has cut so that I serve as guidance letter, once the viewer returns its package. The latter might be. However, he convinced me more, the fact my package while leading the viewer sees his, to make a difference between the two packages and, therefore, to have control of the card when the viewer returns its package. This, besides being easy, could be done with the same left hand, what would happen very unnoticed. However, although I used it for some time, discard it too. Explained below, the final idea I got to make the spectator cut off , saw a letter and seeks them plenty, controlling the chosen card without any suspicion. We will use the viewer on the right. After mixing the deck, place it on the left hand in a position to give, and we turn us to the right, offering the viewer that he cut a lot, and see the letter where you cut (cut the bottom of the heap). As this happens, all you do is get a separation under the top card of our lot. But we will not enter the little finger, but we will make the bud of the little finger remains pinched by the separation (photo 1) itself. Thus, the top card from the pile go completely straight, and from whatever angle you appreciate the heap, no preparation is denoted. The only bad angle, which corresponds to the right side of the deck, but the fact of working with the viewer on the right, will make this angle is covered, because our body is turning right, leaving the side the deck dirtier, facing an area without spectators. once the card view, the viewer will leave your package back on the deck, thinking he has lost his letter. Actually, this is about the letter that is on separation. Just as he left the mound, the body turns to the left, while the right hand grasps the deck, holding his thumb separation of both heaps. Now, continuing with the game we're doing, we can cut the deck, leaving the controlled below the second letter

A nice idea that will provide a letter of clearance control. The Magician shuffles the deck and placed in his left hand to the viewer who cuts a package and look the bottom Card again, returning the package to the deck, with the letter in his position. Still, the letter is controlled.I worked for a long time this idea and many methods to which I came. Perhaps it is only necessary to introduce the Little Finger between two Piles, at the time the viewer returns the Bunch, but having to do so at the moment of greatest attention, it would Ruin the method. I have also decided to turn the corner of the top card of my Lot, once the viewer has Cut Off, so that I could serve as a guidance letter, once the viewer returns its Package. This could work. However, convinced me More, the fact of my toe Package while the viewer sees his, to Mark a difference between both packages and, consequently, to have control of the Charter when the viewer returns its Package. This, apart from being very easy, could be done with the left hand, What would become very low profile. However, although also used it for some time, discard it. Explained below, the final idea i came to cut to make the viewer, and saw a letter back Lot, Controlling the card without any Fear.We will use a Spectator of the right. After mixing the deck in the left hand, put it in a position to give, and we will turn to the right, giving the viewer that he Cut himself a lot, and see the letter where he Cut (cut the bottom of the pile. While this happens, All We Do Is get a Separation under the top card of the pile. But we will not introduce the Little Finger, but we make the Little Finger fingertip is pinched by the separation (Photo 1).In this way, the top card of the Pile will be completely Straight, and from any Angle to appreciate a lot, do not include any Preparation. The only bad thing is the angle, which corresponds to the right side of the deck, but the fact that you are working with the spectator of the right, this Angle will be covered because our body is spinning to the right, leaving the dirty side of the deck, facing an area without spectators.Once seen the letter, the viewer will leave your Package again on the deck, believing that has lost its Charter. Really, this is on the letter is about the separation. Just when he left the lot, The Body turns to the left, The Right Hand takes the deck, with the Thumb, the separation of the two Piles. Now, continuing with the game that we"re doing, we can cut the deck, leaving the card below the second controlled