Hola.Por favor me envia precio total con envio incluido por unidad hasta bogota,COLOMBIA,y me informa si a este equipo le puedo conectar directamente UN SOLO CELULAR en lugar de la antena que va al techo.Para banda 850Mhz, 3g y de buena potencia(60+db).GRACIAS.
Hello.Please send me total price with shipping included per unit up to bogota, Colombia, and tells me this team if I can connect a single cell directly instead of going to techo.para antenna 850mhz band, 3g, good power (60 db). thank you.
Hello.Please send me with total price including shipping per unit until bogota,COLOMBIA,and informs me if this team can i directly connect A SINGLE CELL instead of the antenna to the roof.To 850Mhz band, 3g and power good(60 db) .THANKS.