Somos una empresa dedicada a distribuir, fabricar y orientar, para dar una solución real, de acuerdo con las necesidades de agua potable, riego, minería e industria, en materiales de acero carbono, fierro fundido, dúctil, etc.
Nuestro principal objetivo es ofrecer productos, fabricados o distribuidos, de la más alta calidad y a los precios más competitivos del mercado, siendo esta la diferencia que nos marca y nos ha llevado a atender importantes clientes, los cuales, se han mantenido en el tiempo, sabiendo que nuestra empresa significa una solución para ellos.
En Fluimat ofrecemos una atención personalizada y de calidad que va más allá de suministrar un producto, la idea nuestra es satisfacer una necesidad, escuchando y evaluando el requerimiento del cliente y así entregar una solución de excelencia.
¡Nuestros años de experiencia garantizan nuestro trabajo!
We are a company dedicated to distribute, manufacture and guide, to give a real solution, in accordance with the needs of drinking water, irrigation, mining and industry, in steel materials carbon, cast, ductile iron, etc.Our main objective is to offer products, manufactured or distributed, of the highest quality and the most competitive prices of the market, and this is the difference that we mark and has led us to serve major clients, which have been kept at the time, knowing that our company means a solution to them.At Fluimat we offer a personalized care quality that goes beyond providing a product, our idea is satisfy a need, listening to and evaluating the client's wishes and thus deliver a solution of excellence.Our years of experience guarantee our work!

We are a company dedicated to Distributing, manufacture y Guide, to provide a Solution de according with the actual needs of water, Irrigation, Mining and Industry, steel materials carbono, Iron cast, dúctil, etc. principal
our goal is to offer productos, manufactured or distribuidos, highest calidad y a The Market's most competitive Prices,Siendo esta la difference We marca y has led us a atender importantes clientes, which have been maintained over time, knowing that our empresa significa una solución for them.
in fluimat we offer a personalized and qualities that are beyond that of providing un producto, la idea is meeting a need,Escuchando y evaluando the client's requirements and deliver a solution of Excellence.
our years of our work experiencia garantizan!