Estimados Mr Manuel Flores,
Buenos Dias!
Estamos satisfechos de que sepa que usted está actualmente en el mercado de Herrajes para cristales,y como un fabricante y exportador especializados para este producto en China, esperamos sinceramente para establecer relaciones comerciales con su estimado corporation.
Adjunto pls encontrar nuestros productos de la siguiente manera:
Bisagras & clips
Manijas & Botones
Puertas corredizas
Sistema pivotantea Pivo Sistema Pivottante
Y así sucesivamente
pls en cuenta que las imágenes de los productos serán enviados a usted por su requerimiento, para saber más acerca de nuestra empresa, por favor visite nuestro sitio web en
pls le ruego que lo compruebe y volver a la mayor brevedad.
Saludos cordials,
estimated mr manuel flores, good morning
we are pleased to know that you are currently in the market for glass fittings, and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China, we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation.
pls find attached our products as follows:
hinges locks & clips
HANDLES handles & pins buttons
sliding system polycarbonates pivotantea pivo
pivottante system and so on
pls note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon your request, to learn more about our company, please visit our website at
pls I beg you to check and return as soon.
greetings cordials, candy

Dear Mr Manuel Flores,
Good Days!
We are satisfied that you know you are currently in the market for Hardware for crystals,and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China, we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation.
Attached pls find our products as follows:
Clips Hinges &
Handles Buttons &
sliding doors
System pivotantea Pivo Pivottante
System and so on
pls into account that the images of the products will be sent to you by your request, to learn more about our company, please visit our website at
Pls kindly check and return as soon as possible.
Greetings cordials,