Solicitud fue ingresada con fecha 19 de agosto ST 17318, según nuestra ruta, sector de La Florida corresponde atención los días martes, lamentablemente servicio técnico no es un servicio de emergencia, debemos programar una ruta y atender a nuestros clientes según fecha de ingreso de su solicitud, nos encantaría poder atenderlos a todos de inmediato pero como comprenderá, no es algo que se pueda realizar por ahora.
Nos contactaremos con Usted vía telefónica un día antes de la visita, en este caso el lunes 29, del presente, para coordinar detalles de visita de nuestros técnicos.
Request was entered with date 19 August ST 17318, according to our route, sector of Florida is attention Tuesdays, unfortunately technical service is not an emergency service, we must set a route and serve our customers according to date of entry of your application, we'd like to be able to attend them all immediately but as you will understand, it is not something that can be done for now.We will contact you by phone a day before the visit, in this case Monday 29 of the present, to coordinate details of visit of our technicians.

Request was entered dated August 19 ST 17318, according to our route, La Florida sector corresponds attention on Tuesdays, unfortunately service is not an emergency service, we program a route and serve our customers as entry date of its request, we would love to serve them all at once but as understood, is not something that can be done for now.
we will contact you by telephone a day before the visit, in this case on Monday 29, the present, to coordinate details visit of our technicians.

Application was admitted to St 17318 dated August 19, according to our Route, area of Florida is attention on Tuesday, unfortunately is not a Technical Service Emergency Service, we must program a route and serve our customers as input date of your request, we"d love to be able to reach everyone immediately but you will understand it is not something that can be done by now.We will contact you by phone one day before the visit, in this case on Monday 29, to coordinate the present, visit our technical details.