TU PLAN DE VUELO 11:40 h 09:50 h Apertura mostradores de facturación Cierre mostradores de facturación Paso por los controles de seguridad Embarque Debes estar 30MIN antes del vuelo Cierre 20 minutos antes de la salida. 12:20 h
YOUR FLIGHT PLAN11:40 h09:50 h opening check-in countersCheck-in counters closePassage through security checkpointsBoardingYou must be 30 min before the flightClose to 20 minutes prior to departure.12:20 h
YOUR FLIGHT PLAN 11:40 h 09:50 h Earliest check- Close check- Step by security controls Shipment must be 30MIN preflight close 20 minutes before departure. 12:20 h
Your flight plan11: 40 H09:50 H Opening check-in countersClosing check-in countersPassing Through the Security checksBoardingYou must be 30 minutes before the flightClose 20 minutes before departure.12: 20 h