Entre mediados del siglo 14 a finales del XV, los reinos hispanicos vivieron una intensa crisis- conflictos sociales, guerras civiles, luchas nobiliarias, oposición entre noblesse y monarcas, tensión espiritual-, que se agravó con las epidemias de peste negra de 1348, 1352 y 1381.
Between the middle of the 14th century at the end of the 15TH, the Hispanic kingdoms lived an intense crisis - social conflicts, civil wars, noble fights, opposition among noblesse and monarchs, spiritual-voltage, which worsened with the epidemics of the black death of 1348, 1352 and 1381.

Between the mid-14th century to the late fifteenth, the Hispanic kingdoms lived a crisis intense social conflicts, civil wars, noble struggles, opposition between noblesse and monarchs, spiritual tension that worsened with black plague epidemics of 1348, 1352 and 1381.

Between the middle of the 14th century to the end of the 15th, the Hispanic Kingdoms lived an intense crisis - Social Conflicts, Civil Wars, Fights of the Nobility, noblesse and opposition between Monarchs, spiritual tension, which is aggravated by the Plague of 1348, 1352 and 1381.