Mira a dos espectador y anúnciales que deben de pensar un palo de una carta, PERO (es importante que no les des tiempo de pensar) que para que no coincidan, van a pensar
cada uno, uno de diferente color. Mirándolo al espectador de la izquierda, dile: “Por ejem-
plo, tú uno rojo...”, y mirando al de la derecha, “...y tú uno negro”.
Watch two Viewer and announce that they must think a stick of a letter, but (it is important that you not give them time to think) that they do not match, going to thinkeach one of a different color. Facing the viewer's left, saying: "for example -"plo, you one red...", and looking to the right, ".. .and you one black".

Look two viewer and announce who must think a stick of a letter, but ( it is important not to give them time to think) that do not match, they will think
each one a different color. Looking to the viewer on the left, say: "For exam-
ple, you one red ...", and looking to the right, "... and you black one."

Look at the two anúnciales viewer and to think about a Stick (a letter, but it is important not to give them time to think) that do not coincide, they thinkEach one of a different color. The Viewer"s Left Eye, say: "for exampleFor example, you Red One... ", and looking to the right," You and a Black One. "