IPi = Índice de precios para el bien o servicio i, para los meses de diciembre y junio de cada año del Contrato, una vez que son publicados de manera preliminar
wi = ponderador del bien i
IPi0 = Índice de precios para el bien o servicio i, correspondiente al mes de diciembre de 2011, tomando la primera publicación del mismo ―índice preliminar―
i = 1,.…, n bienes y servicios que integran el índice ponderado j = 1,…., t semestres durante el plazo
IPi = index of prices for the well or service i, for the months of December and June of each year of the contract, once are published of way preliminaryWi = ponderador of the well iIPi0 = index of prices for the good or service i, corresponding to the month of December of 2011, taking the first publication of the same ―indice preliminar―i = 1,..., n goods and services comprising the weighted index j = 1,..., t semesters during the term

IPi = price index for the good or service i, for the months of December and June of each year of the contract, once they are published preliminarily
wi = weighting factor of good i
IPi0 = price index for the good or service i for the month of December 2011, taking the first publication of the preliminarily -index
i = 1 ,. ..., n goods and services that make up the weighted index j = 1, ...., t semesters during the period

PII = price index for the good or service I, for the months of June and December of each year of the contract, once they are published in a preliminary WayWi = Weight of Good IIpi0 = price index for the good or service I, corresponding to the month of December 2011, taking the first Publication of the same ―índice preliminar―I = 1,..., n goods and services that comprise the weighted index (J = 1,..., T semesters during the term